
The Health Care Authority (HCA) is extending the April 27 implementation of the Pharmacy Point of Sale (POS) Replacement system. The new targeted go live date is June 8. 

Also in Washington, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) revised its Ancillary Utilization Plans and the Administration of Drugs and Devices guidance document to include pharmacy assistants with a technician in training endorsement that are enrolled in a commission-approved Pharmacy Technician Education and Training Program. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-05-16T15:54:30-04:00May 16, 2024|Washington|


NACDS was alerted that an error has occurred when the Health Care Authority (HCA) made the Retroactive Time Period payments to the pharmacies under Section 4(b) of the Washington State Medicaid lawsuit Settlement Agreement, and that HCA is taking steps to correct the error which will impact some pharmacies’ reimbursement. HCA discovered that it had overpaid 197 pharmacies while underpaying 334 pharmacies and will be correcting the erroneous payments.   

Also in Washington, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) filed a CR-103E Emergency Rulemaking order codifying in rule the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of certain naloxone hydrochloride nasal sprays as over the counter. PQAC considers the ongoing opioid epidemic to be a public health emergency in Washington state. This rule, filed on April 5, 2024, took effect immediately and will remain in effect for 120 days but will be refiled as needed while permanent rulemaking is in progress. 

Also in Washington, the Health Care Authority Apple Health (Medicaid) added the new over the counter (OTC) birth control pill – Norgestrel oral tablets (Opill) – to the list of covered drugs that also includes family planning supplies without a prescription, such as condoms, emergency contraception and spermicides. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-05-09T11:36:40-04:00May 9, 2024|Washington|


NACDS applauds the enactment of ESSB 5213, a new law signed by Gov. Jay Inslee (D) on March 25 that will hold PBMs accountable. Although the law exempts the Employment Retirement and Security Act (ERISA) plans, it enhances the Insurance Commissioner’s enforcement authority, establishes an appeals process, opens the network, includes anti-steering and mail order provisions, prohibits spread pricing and expands Maximum Allowable Cost appeals to all prescriptions, not just generic drugs. The bill sponsor, Sen. Patty Kurderer (D), who is running for the office of Insurance Commissioner in November, plans to enforce this new law and actively seek further PBM reforms, if elected. 

Also in Washington, the Heath Care Authority asked NACDS to alert pharmacies that recently they have seen delays from its switch vendors and/or software vendors in applying changes for testing. Sarah Stewart said these changes to the BIN number and other information on the payer sheet for its POS (point of sale) replacement system are going live on April 27, 2024.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-04-11T14:32:16-04:00April 11, 2024|Washington|


NACDS applauds the enactment of ESSB 5213, a new law signed by Gov. Jay Inslee (D) on March 25 that will hold PBMs accountable. Although the law exempts the Employment Retirement and Security Act (ERISA) plans, it enhances the Insurance Commissioner’s enforcement authority, establishes an appeals process, opens the network, includes anti-steering and mail order provisions, prohibits spread pricing, and expands Maximum Allowable Cost appeals to all prescriptions, not just generic drugs. The bill sponsor, Sen. Patty Kurderer (D) who is running for the office of Insurance Commissioner in November, plans to enforce this new law and actively seek further PBM reforms if elected.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-04-04T10:28:27-04:00April 4, 2024|Washington|


The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) will hold a rules workshop during the May 2-3 business meeting on draft rule language regarding prescription transfers. The draft rule language discussed at the March 7 meeting was amended (WAC 246-945-345) to clarify noncontrolled prescription transfers, and language was added (WAC 246-945-346) relating to controlled substance prescription transfers. The PQAC is soliciting written comments on the draft rule language through April 5. Submit comments to PharmacyRules@doh.wa.gov; oral comments may be provided at the May rules workshop.  

Also in Washington, the Health Care Authority (HCA) hosted a Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) meeting on March 20. More information about the PDAB is available on the website 

Finally in Washington, the 2024 Regular Session adjourned sine die on March 7. Our #1 priority bill in the state, a PBM reform bill filed by Sen. Patty Kurderer (D), ESSSB 5213, passed both houses and was delivered to Gov. Jay Inslee (D). Although the bill exempts ERISA plans, it enhances the Insurance Commissioner’s enforcement authority, establishes an appeals process, opens the network, includes anti-steering and mail order provisions, prohibits spread pricing, and expands MAC appeals to all prescriptions, not just generic drugs. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-03-21T12:02:46-04:00March 21, 2024|Washington|


Prior to the March 7th adjournment date, pharmacies priority legislation, the PBM reform bill E2SSB 5213, passed both houses and was sent to Gov. Jay Inslee (D) to be signed into law. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-03-08T11:21:55-05:00March 8, 2024|Washington|


The PBM reform bill that passed the Senate earlier this month was amended in the House and continues to advance E2SSB 5213 through the legislative process despite the false claims that this bill would cost the state of Washington almost $239 million in excess drug spending in year one, and as high over $2.7 billion over the next 10 years. The bill is on the House calendar and must be voted out by 5:00 pm on March 1. If that occurs, the bill will be returned to the Senate for concurrence with amendments added in the House Health and Wellness Committee last week. 

Also in Washington, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) posted the agenda for the March 7 meeting. 

Also in Washington, register now for the Apple Health quarterly online seminar on March 7 aimed at providing HCA (Health Care Authority) partners with information about current Apple Health (Medicaid) programs and program updates. 

Also, in Washington, responsible pharmacy managers or equivalent managers of pharmaceutical firms must conduct an annual self-inspection in March and within 30 days of naming a new responsible pharmacy manager. The self-inspections are to be completed on Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission provided worksheets. 

Finally in Washington, the Department of Health Prescription Monitoring Program is hosting a rulemaking workshop on March 19 to clarify the rules defining the concepts of “sold”, “dispense”, “filled” and “distributed”. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-03-01T10:05:29-05:00March 1, 2024|Washington|


E2SSB 5213, PBM reform legislation pharmacy supports, continues to advance. The bill passed the Senate and was referred to the House Health and Wellness Committee where it passed on February 21 by a vote of 11-6.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-02-23T10:12:26-05:00February 23, 2024|Washington|


Several bills of interest to pharmacies passed their house of origin before the February 13 crossover deadline, and now must pass the policy committee by February 21. 

  • E2SSB 5213, legislation addressing PBMs’ predatory practices, is scheduled for a hearing in the House Health Care and Wellness Committee (HHCWC) at 1:30 pm on February 20. 
  • SB 5982 updates vaccine laws to include all FDA-approved immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was heard in the HHCWC on February 14 and is scheduled for an Executive Session on February 16.  
  • ESB 6095, a bill that establishes clear authority for the Secretary of Health to issue standing orders, is scheduled for a hearing in the HHCWC on February 16. 

Also in Washington, members interested in registering support for these bills should use this link 

Finally in Washington, the second Washington State Pharmacy Association’s Pharmacy Legislative Day at the Capitol, sponsored by NACDS, is on February 19.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2024-02-16T09:38:26-05:00February 16, 2024|Washington|
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