
Since the settlement and dismissal of our six-year-old lawsuit against the State of Washington for its below cost dispensing fees, NACDS, NCPA (National Community Pharmacists Association) and the Washington State Pharmacy Association have been monitoring the state’s compliance with its obligations. In terms of the state’s obligation to pursue a cost of dispensing study, the state issued a “work request” for a vendor to do the study on September 19, with the deadline for responses due October 21. The cost of dispensing study is supposed to start November 1. In terms of the retroactive payments to pharmacies for April 2017 through June 2023, the state reports that the process is in place and payments should be starting very soon. As for implementing the adjusted dispensing fees effective July 2023, the state needs CMS’ approval of the state plan amendment (SPA) pending before CMS with those new dispensing fees first. The state anticipates such approval to be forthcoming.  

Also in Washington, the State Department of Health Office of Health Professions is hosting a Vaccine Fatigue Webinar on November 3.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-10-27T11:33:34-04:00October 27, 2023|Washington|


The five-member Prescription Affordability Board (PDAB) held its first hybrid meeting on October 20 

Also in Washington, the State Chief Science Officer Dr Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett signed an updated statewide standing order to dispense naloxone. 

Also in Washington, the Department of Health (DOH) Immunization Division is hosting a COVID-19 and RSV Vaccine Updates Webinar (online registration) on Tuesday, October 24 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Pacific. Topics will include COVID-19 vaccine updates and RSV vaccine recommendations for older adults and pregnant persons, as well as recommendations for infants. The online seminar will be recorded. 

Finally in Washington, the Health Care Authority’s Health Care Cost Transparency Board met on October 18. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-10-20T12:08:34-04:00October 20, 2023|Washington|


Six years of litigation challenging the state’s below cost dispensing fees resulted in a stunning settlement agreement with an unprecedented windfall for Washington State pharmacies. In exchange for dismissal of our state lawsuit challenging Washington State’s failure to adopt cost-based dispensing fees in April 2017 as required by federal law, the three pharmacy groups, NACDS, NCPA and the Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA) secured a commitment from Washington State to conduct its belated cost of dispensing study, the results of which are expected to update Washington State’s illegally inadequate dispensing fees ranging from $4.24-$5.25. Additionally, as a part of the settlement, the state will make over $60 million in retroactive payments to fee-for-service pharmacies that have been victim of Washington’s unlawfully low dispensing fees.

Also in Washington, the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) created a new rule, implementing the optional unexpired prescription drug donation program law.

Finally in Washington, in an effort to improve patient outcomes and better contain healthcare costs, the state Health Care Authority (HCA) is embracing Value Based Care (VBC) quality performance measures within the Medicaid managed care contracts. HCA is working with Comagine Health to conduct annual reviews of the current performance measures and their results. Beginning in 2024, HCA will move toward outcomes-based measures, rather than continuing to use process of care measures.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-10-06T09:44:29-04:00October 6, 2023|Washington|


The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) held a workshop on June 15 to review stakeholder comments on PQAC prepared draft rules on the accessible labeling issue.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-06-16T11:07:25-04:00June 16, 2023|Washington|


The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission’s (PQAC) accessible labeling rules workshop is scheduled for June 15 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. PDT. PQAC prepared draft rules for review and feedback prior to the meeting. Written comments should be submitted to PharmacyRules@doh.wa.gov no later than close of business on June 12. Verbal comments will be accepted at the rules workshop.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-06-09T10:06:19-04:00June 9, 2023|Washington|
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