The Health Care Authority issued a final rule effective May 1, 2021, requiring providers to agree that all claims for Apple Health clients in fee-for-service and managed care are subject to 340B standards as part of participation in the 340B drug pricing program.
Also in Washington, the Office of the Insurance Commissioner extended two emergency orders until May 16, 2021, that are of interest to pharmacies.
- Notice extending the Emergency Order 20-01 requiring health insurers to waive copays and deductibles for coronavirus (Covid-19) testing. The order also requires insurers to allow a one-time early refill for prescription drugs; suspend any prior authorization requirement for treatment or testing of Covid-19 and allows enrollees to be treated by out-of-network providers within a reasonable distance at no additional cost when the insurer does not have enough in-network medical providers.
- Notice extending Emergency Order 20-06 concerning insurance coverage for COVID-19 diagnostic testing prohibits all health carriers from balance billing for COVID-19 diagnostic testing processed by out-of-network laboratories, when determined to be medically necessary. The order also requests that insurers notify the agency if out-of-network laboratories submit claims but have not published a cash price or fail to accept such a price.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.