
Prior to the legislature taking a week off for Spring Break, HB 41 passed the Senate and was referred to the House for further action. The bill allows a pharmacist to order and administer vaccines approved or authorized by the FDA, or by the state or federal government during a state or federally declared public health emergency. The bill also permits certain qualified pharmacists to provide influenza, group A streptococcus, and COVID-19 medication therapy services pursuant to a statewide standing order issued by the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services or a physician licensed by the Department.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-03-17T11:25:51-04:00March 17, 2023|Missouri|


SB 41 by Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder (R) repeals the physician protocol requirement and adds language allowing pharmacists to order and administer certain FDA-approved or authorized vaccines to persons at least seven years of age or older, pursuant to rules promulgated by the Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Registration for the Healing Arts, or rules promulgated under a state of emergency. The bill is pending on the Senate floor.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-03-10T11:06:46-05:00March 10, 2023|Missouri|


The revised 2023 Pharmacy Practice Guide is available on the Board’s website. It contains updated compliance tips and information on recent statutory/rule changes, including: 

  1. Pharmacy Working Conditions
  2. Technician Supervision & Expanded Technician Activities
  3. Electronic Final Product Verification (Pharmacists)
  4. Technology-Assisted Product Verification (Interns & Technicians), & 
  5. Quality Assurance  

Also in Missouri, the Department of Health and Senior Services recently issued a revised naloxone standing order. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-02-17T11:20:53-05:00February 17, 2023|Missouri|


The legislature convened on January 4, 2023. Several PBM reform bills have been filed, including SB 402/HB 198 and SB 26/HB 197. Also filed were two bills expanding the Pharmacy Practice Act related to the administration of medication by pharmacist including HB 331 and SB 41.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-01-13T12:04:56-05:00January 13, 2023|Missouri|


Quantity limits for albuterol inhalers and nebulizer solutions went into effect on August 28. Adults are now limited to 3 albuterol inhalers (300 rescue doses) every 180 days. Participants of all ages are limited to 120 vials every 2 months. If a provider feels a patient needs albuterol inhalers or nebulizer solutions more than these limits, a letter of medical necessity and progress notes will need to be submitted. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-11-18T11:12:31-05:00November 18, 2022|Missouri|


The Board of Pharmacy is soliciting comments due October 15 on a proposal establishing requirements for authorized pharmacists dispensing HIV post-exposure prophylaxis as authorized by section 338.730, RSMo.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-10-07T10:44:37-04:00October 7, 2022|Missouri|


The Board of Pharmacy next Lunch with the Chief Inspector online seminar is taking reservations for the October 13th compliance update.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-09-30T12:40:09-04:00September 30, 2022|Missouri|


Pharmacies need to establish policy and procedures, quality assurance programs, and validate the technology prior to the initial use for two new product verification rules that go into effect on August 30, 2022.  

  • 20 CSR 2220-2.011 Electronic Final Product allows pharmacists to use an electronic verification system (EVS) to verify the accuracy of a final prescription. EVS allows the pharmacist to see an exact, clear, and unobstructed visual image of the filled prescription contents and the label affixed to the container. No further manipulation of the prescription occurs after the pharmacist’s electronic verification is complete other than applying the required container lid or seal. Manipulation does not include preparing a finished prescription/medication order for mailing, delivery, storage or bagging the prescription. 
  •  20 CSR 2220-2.012 Technology Assisted Prescription/Medication Order Verification for Interns Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians allows an “authorized pharmacy technician” or an “authorized intern pharmacist” to verify a final prescription using a Technology Assisted Verification System (TAVS) for non-controlled medications only. TAVS is an electronic system that utilizes barcode technology or another electronic process to electronically verify the final medication prescription or medication order has been properly dispensed and to electronically verify the prescription/medication order has been properly labeled for the correct patient. 

Additional summaries of newly revised and recently promulgated pharmacy rules are available in the Board’s latest newsletter. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-08-19T10:39:09-04:00August 19, 2022|Missouri|
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