In advance of the April 12th Senate Insurance and Banking hearing on HCR HB 1677, NACDS submitted a letter supporting certain provisions of the legislation that would strengthen Missouri’s PBMs laws to enhance patients’ ability to receive pharmacy care from their pharmacy of choice and improve provisions for fair and equitable standards for the management of pharmacy benefits. In our letter, NACDS specifically called out support for the provisions that would prohibit PBMs from preventing, penalizing or restricting patients’ ability to obtain services from a contracted pharmacy; the provisions that would enhance the appeals process to requiring PBMs to increase a pharmacy’s reimbursement in instances when reimbursement is found to be below a pharmacy’s cost for purchasing a drug; and the provisions that would prevent PBMs from imposing unwarranted fees on claims related to administering a health plan.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.