On May 27, Gov. Youngkin (R) signed HB 1323 and SB 672, identical bills that mirror pharmacies immunization and testing authority from the federal PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act. The bills, sponsored by Delegate Bobby Orrock (R) and Senator Siobhan Dunnavant (R), were priorities of VACDS (Virginia Association of Chain Drug Stores) and NACDS. Specifically, the bill allows pharmacist and technicians to administer the full Centers for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine schedule to patients 3 years of age and older; clarifies that pharmacists can order and administer COVID tests; allows pharmacists to initiate tobacco cessation therapies including prescription drugs under protocol; and requires Medicaid to reimburse pharmacies for the initiation of treatment and vaccines.
Also in Virginia, The Department of Health has updated the COVID-19 Vaccine Standing Order to reflect CDC/ACIP recommendations from May.
Finally in Virginia, The Board of Pharmacy has posted the agenda for the June 6th Public Hearing and Full Board Meeting.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.