
NACDS has been asked to extend an invitation to our members from Governor Ralph Northam (D) and the Department of Health to exclusive online conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci and other distinguished panelists on August 3 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm EDT. The online event is meant to help empower healthcare providers to encourage their patients to get vaccinated against COVID-19. All healthcare providers are invited.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-07-30T10:12:52-04:00July 30, 2021|Virginia|


The Board of Pharmacy has posted the agenda for the June 4 meeting. The BOP will be reviewing legislation passed by the General Assembly in the 2021 session including HB 2079 (initiation of treatment, dispensing of supplies and devices; HIV treatment; test & treat for CLIA-waived tests including flu and strep; tobacco cessation prescribing). A stakeholders’ workgroup will be convened to make recommendations on CLIA test and treat to the Joint Commission on Health Care due November 1, 2021. Additionally, there will be another workgroup tasked with making recommendations on expansion pharmacy technicians’ duties as a result of the passage of HB 1304 of 2020 with a report also due November. 1. Further detail is in the agenda packet.  NACDS and VACDS expect to participate in both stakeholder workgroups.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-05-28T09:49:16-04:00May 28, 2021|Virginia|


The Board of Pharmacy has asked that we remind members that the emergency rule requiring pharmacy technician trainees to be enrolled in a training program upon registration with the Board became effective January 3.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-04-16T09:47:38-04:00April 16, 2021|Virginia|


HB 2097 has passed both Chambers and is on its way to Governor Northam for signature. The bill, sponsored by Del. Sam Rasoul (D), is a continuation of the pharmacy protocol bill that NACDS, VACDS, and VpHA jointly championed and passed last year that was enacted in January. HB 2097 would further expand pharmacists’ ability to initiate testing and/or treatment for certain conditions including HIV and Tuberculosis under the protocol. It also would allow pharmacists to dispense over-the-counter drugs, devices, controlled paraphernalia, and other supplies and equipment covered by the patient’s health carrier when the patient’s out-of-pocket cost is lower than the out-of-pocket cost to purchase an over-the-counter equivalent of the same. The measure requires the Board of Pharmacy, in collaboration with the Board of Medicine and the Department of Health, to establish protocols for these services by November 1, 2021.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-03-19T14:13:23-04:00March 19, 2021|Virginia|


HB 2079, sponsored by Del. Sam Rasoul (D) has passed the House. The bill would allow pharmacists to prescribe HIV Pep and PreP treatment; CDC immunizations to adults; tuberculin purified protein derivative for tuberculosis testing; and drugs, devices, controlled paraphernalia, and other supplies and equipment available over-the-counter, covered by the patient’s health carrier when the patient’s out-of-pocket cost is lower than the out-of-pocket cost to purchase the over-the-counter equivalent. A joint workgroup of the Boards of Pharmacy and Medicine would be charged with developing protocols for each. NACDS filed a letter of support for the bill which is an extension of legislation we were instrumental in passing in 2020 that allowed pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives and offer other therapies. The bill now goes to the Senate.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-02-05T08:44:40-05:00February 5, 2021|Virginia|


HB 2079, sponsored by Del. Sam Rasoul (D) has been reported unanimously from the House Health Welfare and Institutions Committee. The bill would allow pharmacists to prescribe HIV Pep and PreP treatment; CDC immunizations to adults; tuberculin purified protein derivative for tuberculosis testing; and drugs, devices, controlled paraphernalia, and other supplies and equipment available over-the-counter, covered by the patient’s health carrier when the patient’s out-of-pocket cost is lower than the out-of-pocket cost to purchase the over-the-counter equivalent. A joint workgroup of the Boards of Pharmacy and Medicine would be charged with developing protocols for each. NACDS filed a letter of support for the bill which is an extension of legislation we were instrumental in passing in 2020 that allowed pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives and offer other therapies. The bill now goes to the full House for a vote.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-01-29T10:27:20-05:00January 29, 2021|Virginia|


The Emergency Regulation allowing pharmacists to initiate treatment for Naloxone, Epinephrine, Hormonal Contraceptives, Prenatal vitamins, and certain OTC meds under protocols are currently in effect as of January 3. The protocols and other documentation forms needed can be found here. As you will recall, these regs are the result of the passage of HB 1506 last session, a legislative priority for members that NACDS was instrumental in passing.

Also in Virginia. The Pharmacy Technician Registration Emergency Regulation became effective January 3. The Board of Pharmacy expects to have an online registration portal operational next week and will email licensees when it is available for technician trainee registration. However, certification is not required to register as a technician until July 1, 2022.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-01-15T10:25:36-05:00January 15, 2021|Virginia|


The Board of Pharmacy has revised its document HHS Vaccine Allowances for Pharmacists, Pharmacy Interns, and Pharmacy Technicians during COVID-19 Health Emergency and COVID-19 Testing Resource to include additional guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on October 20 which authorizes both “qualified pharmacy technicians” and State-authorized pharmacy interns acting under the supervision of a qualified pharmacist to administer FDA-authorized or FDA-licensed COVID-19 vaccines to persons ages three or older and to administer FDA-authorized or FDA-licensed ACIP-recommended vaccines to persons ages three through 18.

Also in Virginia. The agenda packet for the Board of Pharmacy’s virtual public hearings and the full board meeting scheduled on December 10, 2020, has been posted.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-12-04T08:41:44-05:00December 4, 2020|Virginia|


The Board of Pharmacy has published the agenda for the regulation committee’s meeting on November 12, 2020, at 9 am. Instructions to access the virtual meeting are included in the agenda.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-11-06T12:22:55-05:00November 6, 2020|Virginia|
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