The state legislature adjourned on May 23 after taking up several legislative proposals of interest. Gov. Christopher T. Sununu (R) signed into law SB 332, legislation facilitating medication synchronization, and SB 333, legislation allowing pharmacy interns to administer the same vaccinations for which pharmacists are authorized to administer. HB 1791, legislation permitting substitution of interchangeable biologics and declaring that contracts between insurers/PBMs and pharmacies shall not contain a provision prohibiting the pharmacist from providing certain information to an insured which would prove beneficial in lowering prescription drug costs, and HB 1822, legislation making hormonal contraceptives available directly from pharmacists via a standing order, have passed both legislative bodies and will be considered by the governor. Finally, HB 1418 establishes a commission to study greater transparency in pharmaceutical costs and drug rebate programs. The study report is due by Thursday, November 1.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.