The Board of Pharmacy is hosting a virtual Stakeholder Meeting on June 27 at 10 AM MDT to solicit feedback on multiple proposed revisions to the Board’s rules on newly passed legislation. Topics include Third Party Logistics Providers, Reporting Violations, and Collaborative Pharmacy Agreements and Appendix C (Statewide Protocol for Pre-Exposure and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV). Potential considerations to revise the rules to implement new legislation concern Colorado Senate Bills 22-116, 22-173, 22-027, 22-098; and Colorado House Bills 22-1235, 22-1246, 22-1115, and 22-1122. To participate, you must register for the online seminar. If you cannot attend the meeting or want to submit comments, send your comments to: by June 24, 2022.
Also in Colorado, HB (House Bill) 22-1370 will pass along drug manufacturer rebates to employers and consumers – valued at more than 16% of overall drug costs for those not sharing in rebates now. This bill represented one of the policy recommendations in the Department’s 2021 Reducing Prescription Drug Costs in Colorado Report.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.