The Board of Pharmacy will hold a virtual Stakeholder Meeting on August 5th on multiple proposed revisions including Rule 17 (Collaborative Pharmacy Agreements); Appendix C (Statewide Protocol for Pre-Exposure and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)); Appendix A (Statewide Protocol for Prescribing Hormonal Contraceptive Patches and Oral Contraceptives), and the Colorado Self-Screening Contraception Risk Assessment Questionnaire to include Vaginal Rings and Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DPMA); and the proposed Appendix E (Proposed New Statewide Protocol for Statin Therapy). Potential considerations to revise the rules to implement new legislation concern: Colorado Senate Bills 22-116, 22-173, 22-027, and 22-098; and Colorado House Bills 22-1235, 22-1246, 22-1326, 22-1115, and 22-1122.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.