
The MassHealth Pharmacy Program updated pharmacists on standing orders for dispensing over-the-counter prenatal vitamins and over-the-counter oral hormonal birth control. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2025-02-06T16:21:50-05:00February 6, 2025|Massachusetts|


A deal was reached this week to end the partisan stalemate in the Minnesota House of Representatives. The stalemate resulted when the November election left Republicans holding a one-vote majority by virtue of an open seat in a strongly Democratic district. The Democratic candidate is expected to easily win the seat in the March 11 special election and tie the House 67-67. In the interim, Democrats boycotted session, leaving Republicans without the quorum required to conduct business. The deal gives Rep. Leader Lisa Demuth (R) the Speakership through 2026 and her party control of committees until the special election. Following the election, the parties will share power by co-chairing the committees. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2025-02-06T16:21:16-05:00February 6, 2025|Minnesota|


The Legislature convened its biennial session on February 3. Several bills pharmacy groups collaborated on during the interim have been filed, including: 

  • AB 186 by Assemblymember David Orentlicher (D) expands pharmacist scope of practice. 
  • SB 118 by Senator Jeff Stone (R) establishes payment parity for Medicaid. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2025-02-06T16:20:40-05:00February 6, 2025|Nevada|

New Jersey

On February 3, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signed A1899/S1981, an Act to expand authority of pharmacy technicians to administer drugs and vaccines and permit certain pharmacists and pharmacy interns, externs, and technicians to administer COVID-19 vaccines. The law becomes effective upon signature. The Board of Pharmacy may enact regulations necessary to enable the law’s intent. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2025-02-06T16:20:04-05:00February 6, 2025|New Jersey|


The Legislature convened its biennial session on February 3. Several bills of interest to pharmacies have been filed. 

  • SB 741 by Sen. Todd Gollihare (R) authorizes pharmacists to screen for and initiate drug therapy for minor, nonchronic health conditions in accordance with a standing order. The bill was referred to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. 
  • SB 906 by Sen. Paul Rosino (R) requires retail pharmacies to maintain a pharmacy technician-to-pharmacist ratio of up to five pharmacy technicians for every pharmacist and was referred to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. 
  • SB 907 by Sen. Paul Rosino (R) authorizes pharmacies to engage in product fulfillment with a central filling pharmacy if the pharmacies have the same owner or have entered into a written contract or agreement, share a common electronic file, or can access information required to dispense or process a prescription. The bill was referred to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. 
  • SB 789 by Sen. Todd Gollihare (R) establishes auditing requirements and a commercial rate floor ensuring that pharmacies are reimbursed no less than 106% of the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) plus a professional fee of $15.00. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2025-02-06T16:19:27-05:00February 6, 2025|Oklahoma|


The House Health Committee unanimously advanced HB 60, legislation that will bring the Commonwealth into compliance with federal law, allowing pharmacies to transfer Schedule II prescriptions electronically. The full House intends to pass it when they return to session the week of March 17. It will then go to the Senate for consideration. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2025-02-06T16:18:19-05:00February 6, 2025|Pennsylvania|


The Board of Pharmacy has released proposed rules regarding pharmacist-delegated technician authorities. NACDS has carefully reviewed these rules and shared our concerns with members. NACDS will submit feedback to the Board of Pharmacy by the February deadline. 

Also in Tennessee, the Belmont University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences will host a virtual conference on February 25 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm CST, focused on new FDA-approved drugs in 2024. Registration is required with a fee of $15 for pharmacists and $10 for other healthcare professionals, and participants must meet specific criteria to earn one hour of ACPE Pharmacy CE credit. Registration deadline is February 23. Register here 

Finally in Tennessee, program updates to the TennCare Diaper Benefit Program are coming soon. Please watch the Division of TennCare Diaper benefit website and the OptumRx/TennCare website for information about an upcoming online seminar and added resources to assist pharmacies. Current TennCare pharmacy resources are also posted on the TennCare website. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2025-02-06T16:14:54-05:00February 6, 2025|Tennessee|
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