The legislature adjourned its biennial session on May 27. Prior to adjournment, the following bills of interest to chain pharmacies were sent to Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to sign into law. The governor has until Sunday, June 16 to decide whether to sign or veto a bill, or let it become law without his signature. Unless otherwise specified, the effective date is Sunday, September 1.
- HB 3284, legislation providing a six-month extension to the September 1, 2019 effective date passed last session that requires both prescribers and dispensers check the PMP for certain controlled substances on or after Sunday, March 1, 2020. The bill also requires veterinarians check the PMP, establishes an advisory committee and compels law enforcement to obtain a subpoena, warrant or other court order to access the PMP.
- HB 3496, legislation NACDS successfully amended excluding non-publicly traded grocery store pharmacies from certain requirements to disclose certain financial information of pharmacy ownership.
- HB 2088, legislation NACDS successfully amended that requires pharmacies, when dispensing Schedule IIs, to provide written notice on how to properly dispose of medications with certain exemptions.
- SB 1056, legislation clarifying that a physician may delegate to a pharmacist the ability to modify the patient’s drug therapy under a physician protocol.
Also in Texas… Other bills of interest to chain pharmacies that have been signed by Gov. Abbott recently include the following:
- HB 3441, legislation ensuring payment parity for pharmacists providing the same service as other providers.
- HB 1757, legislation recognizing pharmacists as providers in the Insurance Code.
Also in Texas… With hurricane season in effect, the Health and Human Services Commission has prepared resources to keep Texans healthy and safe in the event of a natural disaster.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.