
On May 26, Gov. Abbott signed HB1763 into law which becomes effective September 1, 2021. NACDS applauds Gov. Abbott, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R), Rep. Tom Oliverson (R), Sen. Bryan Hughes (R), and Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D) for passing this important legislation and look forward to continued collaboration on these efforts that maintain patient access and creates long-term viable reimbursement models in the commercial market.  HB1763 is crucial for the continued viability of retail community pharmacies in Texas by creating PBM reform that prohibits harmful claw backs, requires that all pharmacies be fairly and properly reimbursed, and provides patients with equal access to all network pharmacies by allowing patients to receive care from the pharmacy of their choice.  In a letter of support, NACDS urged Gov. Abbott to sign HB1763 to maintain patient access and help ensure that local Texas pharmacies are properly reimbursed for the prescription medications they provide and associated pharmacy services.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-05-28T09:50:10-04:00May 28, 2021|Texas|


On May 6, HB678  by Rep. Phil Cortez (D), overwhelmingly passed the House by a vote of 139-7.  HB678, supported by NACDS, allows pharmacists to independently order, and both pharmacists and technicians to administer, all immunizations to anyone 3 years of age or older without a prescription. The bill will now be heard by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. NACDS members are urged to call their State Senator to ask them to HB678 expanding access to immunizations by permanently removing existing administrative barriers.

Also in Texas, the Board of Pharmacy launched a new podcast for Board news and updates. The first episode covers the November 2020 and February 2021 Board meeting rule adoptions, along with recent Board news and an important scam alert. www.pharmacy.texas.gov/podcast

Laslty in Texas, the Texas Department of State Health Services Commissioner John Hellerstedt is encouraging vaccine providers to order additional COVID-19 vaccines as needed as the state is now receiving about 1.5 million a week. Texas has now administered more than 18.3 million doses of the vaccine. More than 11 million people have received at least one dose, and over 7.9 million are now fully vaccinated. covidvaccine.texas.gov.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-05-14T11:33:49-04:00May 14, 2021|Texas|


On April 26, the House Public Health Committee approved both the immunization bill, CSHB 678 by Rep. Phil Cortez by a vote of 10-0 and the test and treat bill, HB 2049 by Rep. Donna Howard reported favorably without amendments by a vote of 9-0. NACDS members are urged to contact members of the Texas House of Representatives asking them to VOTE YES on both HB 678 and HB 2049. More information can be found here.

Also in Texas, last week, the Texas House passed its proposed two-year, $246 billion state budget after spending hours on controversial issues such as Medicaid expansion and school vouchers.

Lastly in Texas, the Board of Pharmacy is hosting a quarterly virtual meeting on Tuesday, May 11th at 9 AM. The agenda and conference information is available here – Texas State Board of Pharmacy

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-04-30T09:11:07-04:00April 30, 2021|Texas|


Big news at the Capitol this week is what to do about Medicaid expansion which will be part of the discussion as the House debates the state’s $246B budget proposal. President Biden’s action rescinding the 1115 Waiver authorized reimbursements to hospitals, nursing homes and mental health providers for patients without insurance came as quite a surprise to lawmakers. Texas has the highest number of uninsured in the nation. Among the several Medicaid expansion bills filed, none have been heard.

Also in Texas, the Health and Human Services Committee is seeking candidates to serve on the Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee. Anyone interested should review the linked application letter to find out who the committee is seeking as representatives and if you qualify; click on the application linked here to apply to be on the committee.

Also in Texas, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on April 21st on SB 2195 by the Chair Sen. Kolkhorst, legislation NACDS supports that protects patients who receive prescription drug benefits through a commercial health plan subject to Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) oversight. The bill also ensures patient choice, prevents self-dealing, and prohibits clawbacks. The Committee Substitute to SB 2195 was reported favorably by a 6-0 vote.

Lastly in Texas, NACDS launched two RxIMPACT alerts urging members to call members of the House Public Health Committee asking them to vote YES on HB 678 expanding access to immunizations and HB 2049 allowing pharmacists to furnish medications according to the result of a positive CLIA-waived test for acute conditions such as flu and strep throat.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-04-23T12:17:04-04:00April 23, 2021|Texas|


The House Public Health Committee held hearings on two bills supported by NACDS members: HB 678 by Rep. Phil Cortez (D) that amends existing laws making permanent pharmacists’ authority to initiate, order, and administer childhood vaccines to anyone 3 and older without a prescription, and HB 2049 by Rep. Donna Howard (D) that would allow pharmacists to test and treat for flu and strep. NACDS members are encouraged to call the House Public Health Committee members to urge them to vote both bills out of the Committee so they can be set for a vote by the House of Representatives.

Photo Caption – (L-R) NACDS chain pharmacists Casey Nichols with Walgreens, Jeff Loesch with Kroger Health, and Aimee Lusson with Walgreens meet with immunization bill sponsor Rep. Phil Cortez in the Texas State Capitol after the House Public Health Committee hearing.

Also in Texas, the Health and Human Services Commission is hosting two vaccine webinars:

  • Actively Administering & Advanced VAOS Users – For COVID-19 vaccine coordinators and providers who have received allocations of the COVID-19 vaccine and are actively administering the vaccines. Discussions will focus on important news updates, clinical considerations, and advanced user tips on the systems and processes to support you.
    • April 20, 12:00PM-1:30PM CT – Register here
    • April 27, 12:00PM-1:30PM CT – Register here
  • Basics & Beginners -For providers who are new to the COVID-19 vaccine management program and/or have not yet received allocations of the vaccine. Discussions will focus on important news updates, the enrollment process, how to access VAOS, and how to get started with requesting allocations.
    • April 22, 12:00PM-1:30PM CT – Register here

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-04-16T09:49:28-04:00April 16, 2021|Texas|


NACDS is asking members to call Chari Stephanie Klick and members of the House Public Health Committee asking for a hearing as soon as possible for TX HB 678 by Rep. Phil Cortez. Our message is that “there is an urgent need to permanently remove the administrative barriers allowing pharmacists to independently order and administer all immunizations to anyone 3 years of age or older without a prescription. Passing HB 678 will guarantee Texans get much better access to convenient, preventive health care.”

Also in Texas, as the state opens COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to everyone age 16 and older, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) launched the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler, giving people one place to sign up for a COVID-19 shot through multiple public health departments, including the eight DSHS public health regions, which provide public health services in nearly 200 Texas counties, and more than a dozen local health entities across the state.

Also in Texas, beginning April 1st, Health and Human Services (HHSC) set the fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursement rates for COVID vaccines to align with Medicare. The FFS administration reimbursement rate is now $40 for each dose.

Lastly in Texas, the Board of Pharmacy is requesting comments by May 4th on several proposed rules:

  • Proposed rule amending regulations allowing pharmacists to electronically sign the data entry attestation statement. The rule also would update references to the DEA 222 order form requirements for distributing Schedule II controlled substances.
  • Proposed rule extending the period that Schedule II prescriptions are valid to 30 days to conform to federal standards. The rule also would remove a reference to the effective date of the pharmacy responsibility provisions.
  • Proposed rule correcting statutory and regulatory cross-references in the requirements on pharmacy operation.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-04-09T09:55:02-04:00April 9, 2021|Texas|


NACDS is asking members to call Rep. Stephanie Klick’s office, the Chair of the House Public Health Committee, urging her to schedule a hearing as soon as possible for TX HB 678 by Rep. Phil Cortez (D). Our message is that “there is an urgent need to permanently remove the administrative barriers allowing pharmacists to independently order and administer all immunizations to anyone 3 years of age or older without a prescription. Passing HB 678 will guarantee Texans get much better access to convenient, preventive health care.” Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0599; District Phone: (817) 281-0079 & Public Health Committee Phone: (512) 463-0806

Also in Texas, As the state opens COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to everyone age 16 and older, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) launched the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler, giving people one place to sign up for a COVID-19 shot through multiple public health departments, including the eight DSHS public health regions, which provide public health services in nearly 200 Texas counties, and more than a dozen local health entities across the state.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-04-02T08:46:18-04:00April 2, 2021|Texas|


The Board of Pharmacy issued two final rules that went into effect on March 14. One final rule amends the notification requirements for pharmacists who sign prescription orders for dangerous drugs under a written protocol, and another final rule clarifies that the requirement to consult the Prescription Monitoring Program before dispensing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol is limited to outpatient prescriptions.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-03-19T14:14:27-04:00March 19, 2021|Texas|


NACDS sponsored the Texas Pharmacy Day at the Capitol virtual meeting promoting pharmacy’s 2021 legislative priorities – PBM reform, make permanent access to all immunizations by a pharmacist or certified pharmacy technician without a protocol to anyone three and older, and expanded services allowing pharmacists to furnish specific medications under a physician protocol approved by both the Board of Pharmacy and Medical Board.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-02-19T09:42:28-05:00February 19, 2021|Texas|
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