TennCare has contracted with Mercer Government Human Services Consulting (Mercer) to conduct a professional cost of dispensing survey and a survey of acquisition cost data, also known as the Average Actual Acquisition Cost (AAAC) survey. Both surveys will begin on April 3, 2023, and must be submitted to Mercer no later than May 12, 2023.
All network pharmacies will be required to complete the professional cost of dispensing survey; however, only select pharmacies will also be required to complete the biannual AAAC survey.
Mercer will conduct a technical online seminar on March 20, 2023, at 10:00 AM CST to discuss both surveys and answer any provider questions. Please utilize the log in information below to join:
Link: https://mmc.zoom.us/s/92516957090?pwd=S0p3bm9JeHFGRTJ4R2NOeTZMNitnUT09
Passcode: 030511
Please feel free to direct any questions regarding the survey to (Lora.Underwood@tn.gov) or mercerrxpassage@mercer.com.
Also in Tennessee, please view the pharmacy provider notification regarding missing AAAC rates. You can contact the OptumRx Pharmacy Supports Center at 866-434-5520 or tnrxeducation@optum.com if you have any questions.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.