Effective May 30, due to the enactment of HB 135 pharmacists may administer certain injectable maintenance medications. The bill was sponsored by Del. Karen Lewis Young (D) and specifically includes drugs for psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, contraception, and vitamins. NACDS assisted in the efforts of both the Maryland Pharmacists Association and the Maryland Association of Chain Drug Stores in supporting this measure.
Also in Maryland, Gov. Hogan (R) signed SB 537, a bill that requires pharmacists to inform patients of lower-cost alternative drugs if the information is readily available. It will also permit pharmacists to interchange a less expensive brand-name drug that is therapeutically equivalent to the prescribed drug under certain conditions. The bill will be effective October 1, 2021; however, the Board of Pharmacy is required to promulgate regulations for certain provisions of the legislation.
Also in Maryland, the Board of Pharmacy recently shared that they will be reaching out to about 1200 pharmacists in Maryland who need to register with the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP). To register, click here. For further information about registering see the Board’s FAQ.
Also in Maryland, the Department of Health has renewed its standing order allowing the dispensing of naloxone without a prescription. The order will remain in effect until June 1, 2023.
Lastly in Maryland, the Maryland Association of Chain Drug Stores (MACDS) is seeking a pharmacist to serve on the Maryland Pharmacy Coalition Scope of Practice and Reimbursement Task Force. You can review the minutes from their most recent monthly meeting here. Please contact Jill McCormack if you are interested in participating.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.