The Department of Human Services announced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the noticeable increase in vaccinations administered by pharmacy providers in recent years, they will be increasing the current pharmacy vaccine administration fee ($3.30) effective October 16, 2023. The new administration fee will be $27.49 for the first dose in the series. Each subsequent dose will receive an administration fee of $9.80 (if applicable). The effective date of this change is October 16, 2023. Members should expect to receive more information and billing instructions from MedImpact. NACDS reminds members that Medicaid no longer requires pharmacies to enroll in the Vaccine for Children Program (VFC) to be reimbursed for vaccines.
Also in Kentucky, the Board of Pharmacy published a final rule permitting pharmacies to provide COVID treatment to patients. NACDS encourages members to review the rule because it also makes substantive changes to the process for providing test and treat services under ALL Board-approved protocols.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.