The Department of Health Care Services posted the following alerts and weekly notices on the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal. Please note the delay in the planned resumption of retroactive adjustments and recoupment activity in “Recommencement of Pharmacy Retroactive Claim Adjustments: Status Update”. Also note the MAIC notice regarding rates effective January 1, 2023 in “Maximum Allowable Ingredient Cost 30-Day Pharmacy Provider Notice”.
- Recommencement of Pharmacy Retroactive Claim Adjustments: Status Update (December 8)
- Medical Supplies Update: Updates to Diabetic Testing Supplies (December 5)
- Monkeypox Vaccine as a Medi-Cal Pharmacy Benefit (December 2)
- 30-Day Countdown – Cal MediConnect Transition to Medicare Medi-Cal Plans (December 2)
- Medi-Cal Rx Weekly Wrap-Up for November 18-December 1 (December 2)
- Medi-Cal Rx Monthly Bulletin (December 1)
- Changes to Contract Drugs List (CDL) (December 1)
- Updates to the Medi-Cal Rx Provider Manual (December 1)
- Maximum Allowable Ingredient Cost 30-Day Pharmacy Provider Notice (December 1)
- Now Available: Appendix H – List of Physician Administered Drugs with Reject Code 816 (December 1)
- NCPDP Reject Code 80 and Diagnosis Documentation of Code 1 Restriction: Status Update (November 30)
- Tabloid 40 mg Update (November 21)
- Medi-Cal Rx Weekly Wrap-Up for November 11-17 (November 18)
Also in California, Medi-Cal posted the following:
- Senior Care Action Network (SCAN) Health Plan Expansion (December 7)
- CalAIM Mandatory Managed Care Enrollment Transition Phase II (December 7)
- CMC [Cal MediConnect] Plans No Longer Covered in CCI [Coordinated Care Initiative] Counties (December 5)
- UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of California no Longer a Medi-Cal MCP [Managed Care Plan] in San Diego County (December 1)
- January 2023 Medi-Cal Provider Training Webinars (November 30)
Finally in California, the Board of Pharmacy posted the agenda and meeting materials for its meeting scheduled for December 14. Please note the discussion and consideration of statutory proposals to establish a requirement for reporting medication errors to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) and related to working conditions (see Attachment 2).
For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.