The 2nd pharmacy protocol workgroup met this week to consider the third enactment clause of HB 1506 of 2020. The charge of this workgroup is to recommend further protocols to the General Assembly for legislative consideration in the 2021 session. Both NACDS and VACDS were represented on the workgroup and provided public comments before the meeting. Please see the agenda for background and details. The workgroup voted to recommend the following protocols:
- Immunizations – all CDC-recommended vaccines for adults
- Tobacco Cessation and treatment
- TB testing
- Flu test and treat
- UTI Test and Treat
- Strep Test and Treat
- HIV Prep and Pep –
- The workgroup also agreed to adopt language recommending that pharmacists be authorized to dispense certain devices – i.e. diabetic supplies
Also in Virginia. The Board of Pharmacy has adopted an emergency regulation based on the requirements for pharmacists to order and administer childhood vaccines under the PREP Act. Effective September 22, any pharmacist who administers an immunization or directs a pharmacy intern to administer an immunization under his supervision to a person aged three through eighteen years in accordance with the United States Health and Human Services declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act during the COVID-19 public health emergency shall report such immunization to and provide all information required by the Virginia Immunization Information System.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.