This is advance notice of reprocessing information that will be sent to affected providers on or about January 17. Due to a system error with the generic dispensing fee, pharmacy claims were paid incorrectly. The affected claims will be reprocessed to apply the correct rate. This reprocessing notice applies to pharmacy claims that were processed and paid in NCTracks from November 1, 2013, through April 7, 2014. The affected claims will be systematically reprocessed as adjustments. No provider action is required. Applicable claims will be reprocessed in the February 7 check write. For more information, visit NCTracks here.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.
Ohio: The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) and Gainwell Technologies, the Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager, are continuing the re-implementation of prior authorizations (PA) based on specific drug classes. Of note, the PA reimplementation only applies to new, initial authorizations, and does not apply to those patients who have previously taken the drug supported by recent claims history prior to January 17. Phase 2 of reimplementation will begin on January 17 and encompass the following drug classes:
- Specialty Medications (PA Fillable Forms)
- Hepatitis C Medications (Hepatitis PA Fillable Form)
- Opioid Medications (Opioid PA Fillable Form)
Please reference the Unified Preferred Drug List (UPDL) posted on the SPBM portal to see the products that require prior authorization. Prior authorizations may be submitted via phone, fax, mail and the SPBM portal. Additional prior authorizations are planned for reimplementation in a similar, incremental fashion during the first quarter of 2023. For questions, contact the Gainwell Help Desk at 1-833-491-0344.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.