The Board of Pharmacy issued a proposed rule that amends regulations under Title 30, Part 3001, Article IV to change the number of required continuing education hours that a licensed pharmacist must take that address opioid abuse to two hours. Comments on these proposed changes are due August 21, 2020.

Also in Mississippi. The Board of Pharmacy also issued a proposed rule that amends regulations under Title 30, Part 3001, Article VII, to require a pharmacist in charge to be physically present at a facility for at least 50% of the time or 20 hours per week. The rule also would require that a permit for a pharmacy becomes inactive if an application for a new pharmacist in charge is not submitted within 15 days. Comments to the proposed changes are due August 21, 2020.

Lastly in Mississippi. The Board of Pharmacy issued a proposed rule to adopt regulations under Title 30, Part 3001, Article XLVIII to establish standards and procedures for delivering pharmacy services through a telehealth system that monitors the dispensing of prescription drugs and provides for related drug use review and patient counseling services by an electronic method including audio, video, still image capture, and store and forward. Comments are due August 21, 2020.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.