As result of the passage of 2023 Session Law Chapter 70 (Article 2, Sections 8-21, 43), pharmacies and wholesalers will be required to report on Drugs of Significant Public Interest beginning in 2024. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is in the initial stages of developing the reporting initiative. As work progresses, they will provide updates on implementation, opportunities for public comment and resources to support reporting entities newly engaging in this reporting initiative. NACDS will pass on all information to members. If you are interested in directly receiving announcements on prescription drug price transparency from MDH, you may subscribe to Prescription Drug Price Transparency updates.
Also in Minnesota, the MIIC (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) forecaster has been updated to ensure all people ages five years and older are recommended to receive one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and people under five years to receive two or three doses, depending on the product and appropriate intervals. The forecaster cannot recommend a specific COVID-19 vaccine schedule based on the date of an administered dose or recommend bivalent (updated) doses only. The forecaster’s updates will now validate the first dose received by clients ages five years and older and the first two or three doses received by clients under the age of fvie. Doses will be validated regardless of when they were received. All other doses will be recorded in a client’s immunization record but not evaluated. Unevaluated doses will display in MIIC but will not contain information in the series column.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.