The Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy issued the following orders:
- Policy 2023-07: Non-Sterile Compounding: Several modifications regarding the addition of flavoring agents were added.
- Policy 2023-09: Action Level Environmental Monitoring Results: Clarified that highly pathogenic microorganisms will be those determined by a qualified microbiology professional.
- Policy 2020-15: Scope of Practice: Statement that the pharmacist is responsible for the accuracy of the final dispensed prescription was added.
- Compounded Ketamine: Edits to this document include the FDA cautions regarding the use of all compounded ketamine products, not just nasal spray.
- Sterile Injectable Dispensing (Including Testosterone): Reviews how to interpret the proper days’ supply of injectable vials.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.