The regular session of the state legislature is scheduled to adjourn at 6 PM on June 1, 2020. Immediately after adjournment, at 6:01 PM, Gov. John Bel Edwards is expected to convene a special session to finalize the budget through June 30, the constitution deadline date for a balanced budget.
Also in Louisiana... The Board of Pharmacy held a full Board meeting via Zoom on May 27th . The Board discussed problems with adequate testing sites for pharmacy graduates, and a pending House Concurrent Resolution 71 that if passed and signed by Gov. Edwards, would temporarily suspend the annual licensing fees imposed by licensing boards and agencies on businesses. The Board plans to hold an emergency virtual Board meeting in June to take action on these two issues.
Also in Louisiana... NACDS submitted a comment letter raising concerns about adding seven medications that are used to treat hepatitis, as well as gabapentin and oral liquid formulations of promethazine to the drugs of concern list that must be reported to the Prescription Monitoring Program.
Also in Louisiana... NACDS confirmed that Sen. Mark Abraham will not pursue passage of SB 488, legislation that would have prohibited chain pharmacies from enforcing any policy which would restrict the quantity or dosage of a prescription for a controlled substance or restricts a filling a prescription for a controlled substance issued by a specific prescriber.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.