The Board of Pharmacy issued a Proposed rule amending regulations to add nine drugs of concern, including seven drugs for the treatment of hepatitis, promethazine oral liquid formation, and gabapentin. The rule also requires recordkeeping for prescription transactions and revises provisions on authorized access privileges, access registration procedures, and methods of access. In addition, the rule would extend the automatic registration procedures to include dispensers and remove redundant provisions. Comments are due to by COB May 15, 2020 so that we can submit a comment letter in advance of the May 29, 2020 public hearing. 

Also in Louisiana The Board of Pharmacy issued a Proposed rule to remove the requirement for pharmacists to publicly display a paper copy of their current license renewal. Comments are due May 29, 2020. 

Also in Louisiana... Dr. Courtney N. Phillips officially joined the Louisiana Department of Health to serve as the Secretary. Dr. Phillips mos

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.