The Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency), along with its fiscal agent Gainwell Technologies, has updated the NPI (National Provider Identifier) Mapping Logic that is used by the Florida Medicaid Management Information System (FL MMIS). Detailed information on the upcoming NPI Mapping Logic can be viewed on the NPI Initiative FAQ. The FAQ and additional information about the NPI Initiative can be obtained by visiting the Florida Medicaid Public Web Portal at and navigating to Agency Initiatives, and selecting NPI Initiative. 

The NPI to Medicaid ID Search Engine was removed from the public Web Portal and is only available to those logged into their secure Web Portal. The enhanced tool is available by clicking the NPI to Medicaid ID Search Engine link under the Quick Links box within the secure Web Portal. 

The NPI to Medicaid ID Search Engine is accessible on the public Web Portal only for those applying and entering an NPI for full, limited or ROPA (Referring, Ordering, Prescribing and Attending) enrollment through the Online Enrollment Wizard. 

For more information, visit the Florida Medicaid Public Web Portal at and navigate to Agency Initiatives, and select NPI Initiative. 

For information on how to perform a password reset for a secure Web Portal user account that is locked, refer to the Secure Web Portal Account Maintenance Quick Reference Guide (QRG) 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.