Failing to receive an endorsement from the Democrat Party, Ballot Initiative 146: Healthcare Price Transparency will not be on the November 6 ballot. Similar to legislation (HB18-1358) that Planned Parenthood, chain pharmacy and a broad-based healthcare coalition defeated this past legislative session, this ballot initiative would have required all healthcare providers that receive and treat patients to provide an easily accessible list of prices for each healthcare service offered. The price list would have to be provided in printed form and electronically.
Also in Colorado…In advance of the July 19 Board of Pharmacy meeting, based on member input, NACDS submitted comments on the proposed rule on perpetual inventory. NACDS raised the concern that the language specifying that pharmacies keep a perpetual inventory that includes counts for “outdated” controlled substances could create confusion, so we provided clarifying language.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.