The House of Representatives passed HB 2633, removing certain requirements included in an opioid omnibus bill, enacted earlier this year. At the federal and state levels alike, NACDS is urging policies that would help address the opioid abuse epidemic, and NACDS also points out the burdens and unintended consequences that some new proposals would create, without helping to address the epidemic. Requirements removed by HB2633 include the following:
- Pharmacists are not required to verify with the prescriber when presented with an initial prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance that contains an opioid that is written for more than a five-day supply.
- Pharmacists are not required to verify with the prescriber a prescription order for a Schedule II controlled substance that contains an opioid that is written for more than 90 morphine milligram equivalents per day.
- Pharmacists are not required to verify with a medical practitioner or the Board of Pharmacy whether the medical practitioner has received a waiver for e-prescribing of Schedule II controlled substances that contain an opioid.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.