All previously published expiration dates related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency are once again extended by the Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid). The new expiration date is May 30, 2020, or at the conclusion of the COVID-19 National emergency, whichever occurs first.
Also in Alabama… the Board of Pharmacy is providing Notice and guidance to pharmacists on testing for coronavirus, including conditions under which pharmacists, and pharmacy interns under the immediate supervision of a pharmacist, can perform the allowed tests with appropriate training. Pharmacy technicians can only be involved in completing required paperwork, including the required reporting. Pharmacies must also provide staff with appropriate personal protective equipment. Note: Pharmacies conducting COVID-19 tests are subject to the reporting requirements specified on the Alabama Department of Public Health web page.
Also in Alabama… Alabama Medicaid is providing notice that the State Plan Amendment (SPA) request to modify the default/backup pharmacy reimbursement methodology when no AAC is present on brand drugs only from WAC + 0% to WAC – 4% has been approved by CMS. The plan is now to proceed with the Administrative Code change for an implementation date to be determined later this year.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.