HB 943, legislation prohibiting PBMs and PSAOs from penalizing pharmacies for disclosing a patient’s cost share for a prescription drug and discussing available alternatives, has been reported from the Senate Health Committee and received first consideration on the Senate Floor. The legislation, commonly referred to as a “gag clause” bill was sponsored by Rep. Valerie Gaydos (R), and previously passed the House unanimously. 

Also in Pennsylvania... Rep. Seth Grove (R) has introduced legislation that would expand pharmacists’ immunization authority and allow them to order and administer COVID-19 and CLIA-waived tests for the duration of the Governor’s disaster emergency declaration.  Specifically, HB 2461 would allow pharmacist to provide any vaccine on the CDC or ACIP schedules and any injectable or biological medication for the treatment or prevention of COVID to patients 9 years of age or older, including any upcoming COVID-19 vaccine.  Additionally, it would suspend the provisions of the Pennsylvania Lab Act that requires prior work experience in a laboratory for pharmacists to register with the state to perform CLIA-waived tests, including those for COVID-19.  The legislation was introduced at the behest of NACDS and the Pennsylvania Association of Chain Drug Stores (PACDS).

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.