Several bills of interest to pharmacies passed their house of origin before the February 13 crossover deadline, and now must pass the policy committee by February 21.
- E2SSB 5213, legislation addressing PBMs’ predatory practices, is scheduled for a hearing in the House Health Care and Wellness Committee (HHCWC) at 1:30 pm on February 20.
- SB 5982 updates vaccine laws to include all FDA-approved immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was heard in the HHCWC on February 14 and is scheduled for an Executive Session on February 16.
- ESB 6095, a bill that establishes clear authority for the Secretary of Health to issue standing orders, is scheduled for a hearing in the HHCWC on February 16.
Also in Washington, members interested in registering support for these bills should use this link.
Finally in Washington, the second Washington State Pharmacy Association’s Pharmacy Legislative Day at the Capitol, sponsored by NACDS, is on February 19.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.