All immunizing pharmacists who vaccinate NC Medicaid beneficiaries, NC Medicaid wants to hear from you on how you bill for vaccine and vaccine administration to NC Medicaid. Please take 1 minute to answer three simple questions to help us determine if we can help make claims processing an easier process for you. Please respond by August 1, 2022.
Also in North Carolina, the Board of Pharmacy has been made aware that a pharmacy has implemented a policy whereby its prescription processing system will not allow an NP- or PA-issued prescription to be processed without the supervising physician’s name and other information.
A supervising physician’s information is not required on NP (Nurse Practitioners)- or PA-issued prescriptions. On February 1, 2021, the NC Medical Board amended the prescribing authority rule for physicians’ assistants by removing the supervising physician information requirement for prescriptions written by physicians’ assistants.
On August 1, 2021, the NC Medical Board amended the prescribing authority rule for nurse practitioners by removing the supervising physician information requirement for prescriptions written by nurse practitioners.
Prior to the Medical Board’s 2021 rule amendments (as detailed in long-standing Board guidance, see Item 2403), the absence of a supervising physician’s name and telephone number did not render a PA- or NP-issued prescription “invalid,” “illegal,” or otherwise ineligible for dispensing under the North Carolina Food Drug and Cosmetic Act or the North Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.