
The Division of Medicaid issued a notice to announce the withdrawal of a September 15 proposed rule that would have amended medical assistance regulations related to a Medicaid State Plan amendment (SPA 20-0013) to allow coverage of vaccine administration by pharmacists under the Vaccines for Children Program. Additionally, the Division of Medicaid issued a proposed rule to amend regulations under Title 23, Part 224, to provide for coverage of vaccine administration by pharmacists. Comments are due February 28, 2021.

Also in Mississippi. The Department of Insurance issued a notice to announce Bulletin 2021-02 to require all health insurers to cover the administration of coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccinations and forego any cost-sharing such as copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2021-02-12T09:13:07-05:00February 12, 2021|Mississippi|


The Department of State issued a waiver allowing pharmacists to provide COVID-19 vaccines to 16- and 17-year-old adolescents. More information can be found on the link above.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-02-12T09:10:03-05:00February 12, 2021|Pennsylvania|


Gov. Greg Abbott (R) reappointed Cecile Young as the Executive Commissioner for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for a term set to expire on February 1, 2023.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-02-12T09:08:03-05:00February 12, 2021|Texas|


The Department of Public Health issued new guidance regarding COVID-19 vaccine administration and a notice from the Board of Pharmacy about the new guidance was posted in the “COVID-19 Information Box” on the Board’s website.

Also in California. CalAIM is a multi-year initiative by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of our Medi-Cal population by implementing a broad delivery system, program, and payment reform. The major components are (1) the Whole Person Care Pilots, (2) Health Homes, and the (3) Coordinated Care Initiative, and will result in a better quality of life for Medi-Cal members as well as long-term cost savings. At the January 28 virtual meeting, DHCS presented a revised CalAIM proposal. DHCS also released a revised Executive Summary that includes a summary of major changes from the original proposal.

Also in California. DHCS, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) are co-facilitating a new all-behavioral health provider call that is held every Wednesday at 8 AM PT to discuss topics such as COVID-19 vaccination updates, emergency staffing, and facility flexibilities. It also includes updates from DHCS, CDPH, CDSS, and the California Health and Human Services Agency. More information about the behavioral health all-provider call, including call-in information, meeting notes, and frequently asked questions (FAQs), can be found on the DHCS website.

Also in California. The DHCS released its telehealth policy recommendations consisting of broad-based telehealth policy changes that would remain permanent fixtures following the eventual termination of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). DHCS is seeking to modify or expand the use of synchronous telehealth, asynchronous telehealth, telephonic/audio-only, other virtual communication and to add remote patient monitoring to create greater alignment and standardization across delivery systems, as indicated. DHCS’ proposal includes advancing the following telehealth policy recommendations effective July 1, 2021. For more information relative to DHCS’ full post-PHE telehealth policy recommendations, please review the telehealth policy recommendations document, which is available on both DHCS’ Telehealth webpage and DHCS’ COVID-19 Response page. DHCS is also proposing trailer bill legislation (TBL), which will be posted on the Department of Finance’s TBL webpage.

Also in California. The DHCS released the “Medi-Cal Specialty Disease Pharmacy Reimbursement Study” aimed at analyzing specialty disease state drug reimbursement to Medi-Cal fee-for-service (FFS) pharmacy providers. The purpose of the two-part survey was to compare the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) price benchmark against Average Acquisition Cost (AAC) in California for a select group of specialty drugs. Additionally, the survey asked specialty pharmacy providers to list specialized services provided to Medi-Cal beneficiaries to ensure adherence and compliance and to monitor positive and negative outcomes from the drug therapy. The survey report memo, report, and appendices are available on the DHCS website.

Lastly in California. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed an Executive Order aimed at bolstering efforts to vaccinate as many Californians as possible as quickly as possible by protecting certain health care professionals and providers from legal liability when they render services at the request of state or local officials during a state of emergency.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-02-05T08:29:38-05:00February 5, 2021|California|


The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) announced a COVID-19 vaccination reimbursement rate increase reflecting the extra costs providers might incur in efforts to vaccinate Health First Colorado, the state’s Medicaid program, and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members, retroactive to November 20, 2020. The new rate is $19.27 for the first dose and $28.39 for the second dose – a 24% increase over our standard vaccine administration rates. These updated rates can be found on the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing’s Provider Rates and Fees website under the “Immunization Rate Schedule” section.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-02-05T08:26:40-05:00February 5, 2021|Colorado|


The Board of Pharmacy announced a notice of intention to amend regulations under FAC 64B16-31 to clarify the meaning of a chronic health condition. Comment due date is not specified.

Also in Florida. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics, announced the following notices:

  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international exporter of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-1 to adopt regulations concerning the international importation of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international importer of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international prescription drug wholesale distributor. Comment due date is not specified.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2021-02-05T08:25:07-05:00February 5, 2021|Florida|


The Georgia Pharmacy Association (GPhA) is offering Immunization Delivery Training for Pharmacy Technicians, a 5.75-hour CE program consisting of both home-study and live training. Under HHS authorization (PREP Act 10.20.20) trained pharmacy technicians can administer vaccines under the supervision and authorization of a pharmacist. GPhA is offering the live training on Friday, March 5, 2021. Space is limited due to social distancing guidelines so do not wait. Click here for details and to register now!

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2021-02-05T08:23:24-05:00February 5, 2021|Georgia|


SB 47, authored by Pharmacist-Legislator Ron Grooms (R), has unanimously passed the Senate and has been referred to the House for consideration. The legislation would permanently allow pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to administer COVID vaccines to persons aged 11 and older, the current statutory age limitation for other vaccines.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2021-02-05T08:21:31-05:00February 5, 2021|Indiana|


The Louisiana Department of Health’s Medical Director of the Office of Behavioral Health, Dr. James Hussey, renewed the Naloxone Standing Order for calendar year 2021. More information can be found here.

Also in Louisiana. Effective December 23, 2020, the Louisiana Medicaid Fee for Service (FFS) Pharmacy Program and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) announced that they are paying an administration fee of $15.92 for the first dose and $26.68 for the second dose for the COVID-19 vaccines. More information can be found here.

Lastly in Louisiana. The Board of Pharmacy is soliciting stakeholder comments and will hold a public hearing on February 25, 2021h on two rules of interest to pharmacies.

  • Proposed rule would increase the amount of medication that may be dispensed under an emergency prescription to a 90-day supply. The rule also would provide for special permitting of pharmacists licensed outside the state to allow participation in disaster relief.
  • Proposed rule to clarify standards for pharmacists, pharmacies, and prescriptions and medication administration, removing outdated minimum specifications for prescription departments, extending the time for the reporting changes in the pharmacist-in-charge, and specifying that board-credentialed individuals must not be made to practice for longer than six hours without a rest break. The rule also would provide for the disposal of hard copy prescription records once stored in the electronic recordkeeping system, update the application process for pharmacy permits, remove minimum specifications for prescription departments in telepharmacy dispensing sites, and extend the quantity of medication that may be dispensed under an emergency refill.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2021-02-05T08:19:29-05:00February 5, 2021|Louisiana|
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