To advance our 2021 legislative agenda, NACDS and the Texas Federation of Drug Stores continue to schedule virtual meetings with lawmakers, advocating for increased access to immunizations (including the future COVID-19 vaccine), expanded pharmacists scope of practice, and fair Medicaid reimbursement. In support of these initiatives, NACDS and pharmacists from HEB and Walgreens that live and work key districts recently met with Senator Kelly Hancock (R) (Chair of the Business and Commerce Committee), Representative Geanie Morrison (R), Representative Julie Johnson (D), Representative John Kuempel (R), and Representative Eddie Lucio III (D).
Also in Texas. On September 15th , the Health and Human Service Commission Vendor Drug Program will extend the non-preferred prior authorization duration for macrolides from 30 days to 90 days for people with a diagnosis of Gastroparesis, Cerebral Palsy Gastroparesis, or GERD Gastrostomy complications. Managed Care Organizations are required to comply with this PDL prior authorization criteria, including duration. More information can be found here.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.