
At its May 1 meeting, the State Board of Pharmacy adopted proposed amendments to 22 TAC sec 291.32 (c)(2)(D) to allow for the utilization of automated checking devices to satisfy final product verification requirements.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2018-05-10T15:41:18-04:00May 3, 2018|Texas|


The Department of Health Profession/Board of Pharmacy announced the denial of a petition to amend regulations under 19 VAC 110-20 to revise the requirement for retention of records beyond two years to include records of vaccine administration. The board decided to take no action at this time but referred the request to the Regulation Committee to determine what would be involved in requiring practitioners who administer immunizations to report to the Virginia Immunization Information System database.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-837-4195.

2018-05-10T15:39:30-04:00May 3, 2018|Virginia|


Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed into law AB 608 pertaining to remote dispensing. The law clarified that pharmacists can delegate to unlicensed personnel, such as pharmacy technicians, and that pharmacy technicians can dispense prescriptions, at remote dispensing locations.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2018-05-10T15:34:16-04:00May 3, 2018|Wisconsin|


Medicaid is proposing to make a small change in the 271 Eligibility response, but would like to gauge impact to vendors before making the change. If you utilize the 271 Eligibility response, either real-time or batch, please have your software vendor or clearinghouse fill out the following brief survey so that Medicaid staff can determine the potential impact of the proposed change. The survey needs to be completed by Wednesday, May 9.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2018-04-27T16:32:01-04:00April 27, 2018|Alabama|


In an effort to better explain the new Board of Pharmacy regulation on Inventory Reconciliation Report of Controlled Substances that went into effect on April 1, the Board developed answers to a list of frequently asked questions. A summary on the regulation and FAQs may be viewed on the board’s website.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2018-04-27T16:30:01-04:00April 27, 2018|California|


In advance of the Board of Pharmacy’s April 17 stakeholder meeting on proposed draft rules on perpetual inventory, NACDS provided detailed comments that the proposal is too broad.

Also in Colorado…HB 18-1279, legislation chain pharmacies support that would mandate e-prescribing, passed the House on April 17 by a close 33-30 vote. However, the bill failed to advance and died in the Senate State,Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on April 25.

Also in Colorado…On Friday, May 11, the Department of Health Care Financing and Policy will hold a hearing on a proposed rule that will increase the durable medical equipment (DME) encounter rate by 1.402%.

Also in Colorado…Working with our in-state partners, NACDS is opposing HB18-1538, legislation that would require pharmacies to post for the public each pharmacy’s drug prices promptly at the pharmacy and on the pharmacy’s website, including the date of the price change. The Board of Pharmacy is required to establish rules on price disclosures by pharmacies. Most concerning is that if the Board determines that a pharmacy does not comply with the requirements, this constitutes unprofessional conduct and the pharmacy/pharmacist may be subject to disciplinary action. The bill is scheduled to be heard on April 26 in the House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee.

Also in Colorado…Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) signed into law HB 18-1112, legislation requiring pharmacists be paid for healthcare services in professional shortage areas.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2018-04-27T16:28:43-04:00April 27, 2018|Colorado|


As a reminder, effective January 1, 2018, every prescriber who maintains an active DEA certificate and prescribes controlled substances, except those holding a residency training permit, was required to complete at least three hours of AMA/AOA PRA Category 1 CME that is designed specifically to address controlled substance prescribing practices. Pharmacists are also encouraged to complete this online program to understand the new requirements and guidelines for controlled substances prescribing and chronic pain management. Additionally, pharmacists are expected to serve as a resource for prescribers and patients on these regulations and requirements.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2018-04-27T16:24:57-04:00April 27, 2018|Georgia|


Last week, the Department of Health (LDH) released a report on the economic impact of the Medicaid expansion, showing that the state has benefitted from Gov. John Bel Edward’s (D) Executive Order to bring more federal dollars to provide for the healthcare for the working poor.

Also in Louisiana…On April 16, Medicaid distributed a cost of dispensing survey to pharmacies so that they can update the professional dispensing fee. Completed surveys are due to Mercer by Friday, May 11.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2018-04-27T16:23:39-04:00April 27, 2018|Louisiana|


On April 18, Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) convened the second meeting of his Opioid State Action Accountability Task Force. Numerous stakeholders, including the Board of Pharmacy, provided status reports on prescriber education and guidelines, treatment options and third-party payers, data collection and sharing and criminal justice investigations.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2018-04-27T16:22:20-04:00April 27, 2018|Nevada|
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