In advance of the Board of Pharmacy’s April 17 stakeholder meeting on proposed draft rules on perpetual inventory, NACDS provided detailed comments that the proposal is too broad.

Also in Colorado…HB 18-1279, legislation chain pharmacies support that would mandate e-prescribing, passed the House on April 17 by a close 33-30 vote. However, the bill failed to advance and died in the Senate State,Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on April 25.

Also in Colorado…On Friday, May 11, the Department of Health Care Financing and Policy will hold a hearing on a proposed rule that will increase the durable medical equipment (DME) encounter rate by 1.402%.

Also in Colorado…Working with our in-state partners, NACDS is opposing HB18-1538, legislation that would require pharmacies to post for the public each pharmacy’s drug prices promptly at the pharmacy and on the pharmacy’s website, including the date of the price change. The Board of Pharmacy is required to establish rules on price disclosures by pharmacies. Most concerning is that if the Board determines that a pharmacy does not comply with the requirements, this constitutes unprofessional conduct and the pharmacy/pharmacist may be subject to disciplinary action. The bill is scheduled to be heard on April 26 in the House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee.

Also in Colorado…Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) signed into law HB 18-1112, legislation requiring pharmacists be paid for healthcare services in professional shortage areas.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.