New York

NACDS joined the Community Pharmacy Association of New York State in meetings with over two dozen legislators on provisions in Governor Cuomo’s budget proposal.  Nearly a dozen NACDS member companies advocated in support of the budget proposal to expand a pharmacist ‘s authority to immunize and the proposal to regulate and reform of PBMs.  The Governor also proposed a $2.5 Billion cut to Medicaid.  NACDS strongly opposed any reductions in the Medicaid program which would impact our reimbursement and offered to work with the Department to achieve savings in other areas. The budget must be final before April 1, 2020.

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2020-03-05T11:51:22-05:00March 5, 2020|New York|


NACDS and the Texas Federation of Drug Stores led the new Board of Pharmacy public member Rick Tisch on a behind the counter tour of the H-E-B pharmacy in Tomball. Pharmacy manager Craig Gracey and compliance manager Jason Davis did an excellent job demonstrating workflow and pharmacy processes. They also discussed the additional services pharmacists provide and ways that the profession can positively impact patient outcomes. Tisch left the pharmacy with a better understanding of the value of our pharmacy technicians and how increasing the ratio and expanding administrative duties will have a positive impact patient care.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2020-03-05T11:47:45-05:00March 5, 2020|Texas|


The ForwardHealth portal has been updated to include state and specialty pharmacy drug reimbursement rates effective March 1st.

Also in Wisconsin… The Department of Health Services issued a report outlining geographic gaps in services to address the opioid epidemic, including areas not served by pharmacies providing naloxone under a standing order.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-03-05T11:16:40-05:00March 5, 2020|Wisconsin|


NACDS filecomments in support of HB 1207 with the Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions CommitteeThis bill would allow a pharmacist to substitute a therapeutic alternative for epinephrine products for a patient and requires the Department of Health to issue a statewide standing order for the dispensing of auto-injectable epinephrine. Subject to rules adopted by the Board of Pharmacy, the bill also allows a pharmacy technician to administer an influenza immunization to an individual under a drug order or prescription and to transfer prescriptions.  

Also in Indiana... NACDS filed comments with the Indiana House of Representatives Insurance Committee in support of provisions of Senate Bill 241 that would help protect the viability of retail community pharmacies. The legislation would help ensure that pharmacies are fairly and properly reimbursed by requiring pharmacy contracts to have clearly defined drug pricing and reimbursement methodologies and audit practices, by prohibiting the charging of unreasonable fees on pharmacies, and by allowing pharmacies to contest changes in their reimbursement.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-02-27T09:23:55-05:00February 27, 2020|Indiana|


The Iowa Medicaid Enterprise issued an Informational Letter clarifying how pharmacists can enroll as providers, enabling them to order and dispense naloxone and smoking cessation products, as well as order and administer vaccines to Medicaid members.  Payment for pharmacists enrolled as providers will be effective July 1, 2020.  For more information, please see the Iowa Pharmacy Association Journal article. 

Also in Iowa...  NACDS reminds members that the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise’s biennial cost of dispensing survey was sent to pharmacies on February 4 and is due by March 26.  More information can be found on a recent Informational Letter. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-02-27T09:01:27-05:00February 27, 2020|Iowa|


NACDS is seeking member comments on SB 50 as recently amended and passed by the Senate. The includes provisions on Single PDL and PBMPBM transparencyclawback prohibitions, any willing provider, and allows Medicaid to set reimbursement rate in managed care according to CMS Guidance. It also would allow the department to have differential PDF rates based on pharmacy types. Please send your comments ASAP to Jill McCormack, NACDS State Director, at

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-02-27T08:59:16-05:00February 27, 2020|Kentucky|


The Department of Human Services’ State Maximum Allowance Cost list and Specialty Maximum Allowance Cost list are posted online, with information, as of February 17, 2020. 

Also in Minnesota...  Pharmacies can bill the administration of injectable antipsychotics and the medication Vivitrol for fee-for-service members as medical claims, not pharmacy claims, for dates of service on or after July 1, 2019.  More information can be found on the Minnesota Health Care Programs Provider News web page. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-02-27T08:56:27-05:00February 27, 2020|Minnesota|


NACDS reminds members about the Rx Cares for Missouri Medication Destruction and Disposal Program, which provides resources for the collection of unused/unwanted medication from the public for disposal. Applications are now being accepted.   

Also in Missouri...  The Board of Pharmacy has posted its slides from the February 20 Regulatory Update webinar.  Of note, future rulemaking will include minimum standards for multi-med dispensing, pharmacist prescribing of nicotine replacement products, and technician supervision. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-02-27T08:54:44-05:00February 27, 2020|Missouri|
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