
SB 943, a bill that prohibits PBMs from restricting pharmacists’ ability to discuss cost-sharing amounts and other information regarding drug costs to patients, was amended on third consideration then passed unanimously by the Senate and the House. Commonly referred to as a “gag clause” prohibition, the amended bill is on its way to Governor Wolf (D) for signature.

Also in Pennsylvania. Governor Wolf (D) announced the approval of the Department of State’s request to suspend the age limitation of 9 years old for pharmacist-administered influenza vaccines. The waiver, which specifically allows pharmacists to provide any licensed, age-appropriate flu vaccine to individuals 3 years of age or older, was effective July 2 and will be in effect for 90 days after the current state of emergency related to COVID-19 ends.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-07-16T08:59:03-04:00July 16, 2020|Pennsylvania|

South Carolina

South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) issued guidance for Healthy Connections Medicaid providers on how to receive reimbursement through the new COVID19 Limited Benefit Program. Learn more in the Medicaid provider bulletin here.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2020-07-16T08:56:34-04:00July 16, 2020|South Carolina|


Last week, Assembly Member Jim Wood (D), chair of the Assembly Health Budget Committee, gutted and amended AB 1710 to allow pharmacists to initiate and administer FDA-approved vaccines. NACDS is seeking an amendment to allow FDA-authorized vaccines too.

Also in California. Prior to the July 1, 2020 deadline required in the state constitution, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the 2020 Budget Act – a $202.1 billion spending plan that closed a $54.3 billion budget shortfall caused by the COVID-19 recession.

Also in California. Gov. Gavin Newsom extended for 60 more days, until September 9th, his Executive Order issued on May 12, 2020, waiving the restrictions on pharmacists ordering and collecting specimens for COVID-19 tests.

Also in California. Because several legislators have tested positive for COVID, neither the Assembly nor Senate are returning to work at the Capitol next week. The legislature shutdown for two months earlier this year because of the pandemic.

Also in California. NACDS and the California Board of Pharmacy submitted the attached joint letter to the Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee opposing AB 2983 which imposes inefficient requirements that will impede that automated refill process causing delays in patient access.

Also in California. NACDS virtually presented to the Board of Pharmacy’s Licensing Committee and Legislative and Regulation Committee on pharmacists immunizations and COVID testing and the authority to perform CLIA-waived tests for COVID19. Presentations can be found here.

Also in California. NACDS sent a joint letter with the California Retailers Association and the California Pharmacists Association to Gov. Gavin Newsom urging him to issue an Executive Order removing the remaining barriers to expanding access to COVID testing by pharmacists.

Also in California. In response to the Governor’s emergency declaration and consistent with the authority of the Board to waive Pharmacy Law or the regulations adopted pursuant to it, last week the Board president extended the following previously approved limited waivers:

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2020-07-10T09:53:34-04:00July 9, 2020|California|


NACDS submitted a letter to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies- Board of Pharmacy requesting a permanent waiver allowing pharmacists to independently order and administer COVID-19 tests, including serology tests, that have received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or equivalent regulatory authorization, subject to the disclaimers and limitations required by the FDA, in addition to any CLIA-waived point-of-care tests. NACDS also recommended that pharmacists may delegate the administration of any vaccines and immunizations, including vaccines authorized by the FDA to trained pharmacy interns or pharmacy technicians.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2020-07-09T23:21:00-04:00July 9, 2020|Colorado|


On June 29, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB.59, sponsored by Representative Matt Willhite (D), which authorizes a community pharmacy to use an automated pharmacy system, effective July 1, 2020.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2020-07-09T23:19:58-04:00July 9, 2020|Florida|


With SF 2357 recently signed into law, prescriptions issued by a Physician Assistant are no longer required to include the name of the supervising physician.  For more information, please see the Iowa Board of Pharmacy newsletter.

Also in Iowa.  The Iowa Board of Pharmacy published a response to the June 25 Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued by Gov. Kim Reynolds.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-07-09T23:18:26-04:00July 9, 2020|Iowa|


During the 2020 Regular Session, the Legislature adopted House Concurrent Resolution 71 which directs all professional licensing boards to adopt emergency rules to suspend the collection of license renewal fees for existing businesses located in Louisiana for licenses, certificates, permits, and registrations. To be in compliance, at the June 25th teleconference meeting, the Board adopted emergency rules effective July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.

Also in Louisiana. The Legislature reached a balanced budget agreement last week and adjourned their special session on June 30th. Lawmakers may return for another special session in October to either spend more federal coronavirus aid or make cuts if the budget situation worsens.

Also in Louisiana. Gov. Edwards issued Proclamation 83 JBE 2020 extending the public health emergency until July 24, 2020, unless terminated sooner which means that all previously issued waivers and guidance from the Board relative to this public health emergency have also been extended.

Also in Louisiana. At the June 25th Board of Pharmacy meeting, Board members voted to terminate their recognition of NABP Passport effective July 31, 2020.  A copy of that notice is here.  Holders of the NABP Passport who have been practicing within or for the State of Louisiana without a separate credential issued by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy will no longer be authorized to do so after July 31, 2020. The Board also approved an Emergency Rule suspending the collection of license renewal fees from existing businesses located within Louisiana for those credentials scheduled to expire between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.

Lastly in Louisiana. Effective June 20th, final rules on drug disposal and pain medication treatment guidelines were adopted. In addition, the following Final and Emergency rules have also been published.

  • Final rule of the Board of Pharmacy amends regulations under LAC 46:LIII, Chapters 15, 25, and 27, to allow pharmacies to accept returns of previously dispensed drugs for disposal and specify requirements for the disposal of controlled substances and hazardous drugs. The rule also removes the requirement that pharmacies accept returns of controlled substances for disposal and instead allows pharmacies to accept such drugs for disposal. In addition, the rule requires pharmacies to advise patients or their designees of drug disposal options.
  • Final rule of the Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration amends regulations under LAC 40:I, Chapter 21, to revise chronic pain disorder medical treatment guidelines. The rule revises guidelines for nonoperative therapeutic procedures.

The Department of Public Health extended until October 22, 2020, an  Emergency rule amending regulations for the continuation of Medicaid programs and services during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency. The rule relaxes requirements related to fair hearing requests and asset verification, provides for coverage of diagnostic testing for uninsured individuals, waives the requirement for daily visits by hospice providers, and allows for telemedicine visits by hospice providers. The rule also allows for reimbursement of ambulance providers for allowable services on-site without transport, waives copayments for pharmacy services, and allows a 90-day supply of maintenance medications.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2020-07-09T23:16:55-04:00July 9, 2020|Louisiana|


Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed into law the interconnected HB 4217, SB 248 and SB 254) to require the electronic prescribing of all drugs effective October 1, 2021.  NACDS salutes the leadership of the Michigan Retailers Association on this legislation.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-07-09T23:14:59-04:00July 9, 2020|Michigan|


For those who could not participate in the Minnesota Retailers Association’s webinar about the Insulin Safety Net Program, a recording is available.  While the program is in effect and operational, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) have filed a federal lawsuit.

Also in Minnesota.  Kendra Metz, PharmD, RPh, was recently appointed to the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy for a four-year term.  A Pharmacist-In-Charge for NACDS member company Thrifty White in Moose Lake, more information about Dr. Metz can be found in her Board biography.  Gov. Walz (D) also reappointed Mary Phipps, PharmD, RPh, of St Cloud, to a four-year term.  Dr. Phipps is the system director of pharmacy for CentraCare Health.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2020-07-09T23:13:34-04:00July 9, 2020|Minnesota|
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