The State’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program is now enrolling providers. By enrolling in the COVID-19 Vaccine program, vaccinators will be approved to administer the COVID-19 vaccine in Wisconsin once a safe and effective vaccine is made available. Enrollment is open to all providers that will vaccinate against COVID-19, including pharmacies. The Department of Health Services urges providers to register as soon as possible, especially if they plan to vaccinate priority populations such as health care workers, essential workers, or people 65+ years.  There is also a Frequently Asked Questions publication.

Also in Wisconsin. The Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program awarded a nearly $2 million grant to the Wisconsin Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. The ePDMP was developed by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and will be operated by the Controlled Substance Board. The funding will be used for infrastructure enhancements to increase security, user satisfaction, and adoption.

Also in Wisconsin. NACDS submitted comments in support of a proposed waiver that would include coverage of vaccinations in the SeniorCare program. Comments can be found here.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.