District of Columbia

Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) has signed legislation allowing pharmacists to substitute interchangeable biological products. The bill includes prescriber notification language that is aligned with the model language supported by NACDS in other states. The measure will now be sent to Congress for the standard 30-day review period as required by DC regulation.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-08-21T08:50:51-04:00August 21, 2020|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

The Committee on Health held a hearing on B23-0535, legislation requiring color-coded warning labels on opioid medications.  Councilmembers Vincent Gray, Chair of the Committee on Health, and David Grosso both expressed their support for the bill. Additionally, Dr. Shauna White, Executive Director of the Board of Pharmacy, testified in favor of the bill. NACDS submitted written testimony opposing the bill.  NACDS will discuss strategy and next steps with members as the bill moves forward.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-07-30T15:19:43-04:00July 30, 2020|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

The D.C. Council passed B23-758, legislation that protects individuals and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been transmitted to Congress for the 30-day review period. Among other provisions, the measure permits an individual licensed to practice pharmacy to authorize and dispense a refill of a patient’s prescription medication before the expiration of the waiting period between refills to allow residents to have an adequate supply of such drugs during a public health emergency. The bill was sponsored by City Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D).

Also in the District of Columbia. The Committee of the Whole has approved B23-430, sponsored by Councilmember Mary Cheh (D). The bill, which has been advanced after approval, would allow pharmacists to dispense interchangeable biological products and includes notification provisions that align with language that has been adopted in other states and members have supported.

Also in the District of Columbia. NACDS received this response from DC Health to the letter NACDS jointly signed with NCPA, NGA, and FMI asking for clarity around pharmacists’ COVID testing policy. As we read it, they will allow pharmacists to administer all FDA-approved and authorized tests; provide guidance on PPE recognizing not all locations/types of testing requires the same kind of PPE; and consider our request for technicians to be authorized to provide testing. They also confirmed they will continue to require appointments to test and require testing to be done outside.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-07-24T16:56:30-04:00July 23, 2020|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

The District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy issued an Emergency Rule to allow for pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests. NACDS, NCPA, FMI, and the National Grocers’ Association submitted a joint letter on the barriers remaining under the emergency rule, explaining why the emergency rule is unnecessarily restrictive and overly administratively burdensome

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-06-18T10:00:57-04:00June 18, 2020|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

The Department of Healthcare Finance (DCHF) will hold its quarterly pharmacy forum virtually on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 from 1:00 3:00 pm and Thursday, June 18, 2020 from 10:00 am – 12:00pm. All current providers in the fee-for-service program are welcome. Please rsvp to Allison Williams to receive the callin information. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2020-06-11T10:26:29-04:00June 11, 2020|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

The Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) announced during this week’s quarterly pharmacy forum that they have applied for a waiver with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to allow them to pay pharmacies for immunizations administered to Fee-For-Service beneficiaries.  DHCF expects CMS to take action on the waiver in Jan. 2020. NACDS will keep members updated as the process continues.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2019-12-12T09:51:14-05:00December 12, 2019|District of Columbia|

District of Columbia

DC Health has established a policy statement to allow pharmacists to dispense naloxone without a prescription pursuant to a standing order. The policy will allow national pharmacy organizations (NPOs) to use their own training programs and standing orders to dispense naloxone to DC residents. The NPO standing order must be signed by a DC-licensed physician. The training program must meet the requirements outlined in the policy statement. Pharmacies that are not members of an NPO can dispense naloxone if the pharmacists have completed DC Health’s naloxone training program and have signed the DC Health standing order. The DC Health training program can be found on the DCRx website. If your pharmacy would like to complete the DC Health standing order, email supervisory pharmacist Dr Justin Ortique. For more information, please visit www.dchealth.dc.gov/bop.

2019-02-05T14:03:15-05:00January 18, 2019|District of Columbia|
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