The D.C. Council passed B23-758, legislation that protects individuals and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been transmitted to Congress for the 30-day review period. Among other provisions, the measure permits an individual licensed to practice pharmacy to authorize and dispense a refill of a patient’s prescription medication before the expiration of the waiting period between refills to allow residents to have an adequate supply of such drugs during a public health emergency. The bill was sponsored by City Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D).
Also in the District of Columbia. The Committee of the Whole has approved B23-430, sponsored by Councilmember Mary Cheh (D). The bill, which has been advanced after approval, would allow pharmacists to dispense interchangeable biological products and includes notification provisions that align with language that has been adopted in other states and members have supported.
Also in the District of Columbia. NACDS received this response from DC Health to the letter NACDS jointly signed with NCPA, NGA, and FMI asking for clarity around pharmacists’ COVID testing policy. As we read it, they will allow pharmacists to administer all FDA-approved and authorized tests; provide guidance on PPE recognizing not all locations/types of testing requires the same kind of PPE; and consider our request for technicians to be authorized to provide testing. They also confirmed they will continue to require appointments to test and require testing to be done outside.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.