
The Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) recently released 2023 Q4 and 2024 Q1 payments for the Critical Access Pharmacy (CAP) Program. Due to the Change Healthcare System outage earlier in the year, the Q4 data was not complete, and the Q1 data was estimated, and both will be reconciled as part of the 2024 Q2 payments once all the data from the Medicaid managed care plans has been submitted.

HFS made the estimated payments to ensure CAPs received these important funds. Please note that new pharmacies who have never received CAP funds had no estimated payment available for Q1, and therefore did not receive an initial CAP payment. HFS will also reconcile these pharmacy payments when the Q2 payments are processed.

If you have any questions, please contact a pharmacy billing consultant in the Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565.

Also in Illinois, the Department informed pharmacies that the 2024-2025 influenza vaccine National Drug Codes (NDCs) have been loaded to the Pharmacy Billing Management System (PBMS) and can now be billed.

To receive the vaccine administration fee, pharmacies billing the Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) program should enter the administration fee amount in the Incentive Amount Submitted field (438-E3). If the value in this field exceeds $6.40, the maximum allowed by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), the claim will only pay an administration fee of $6.40. If the value of the field is less than or equal to the HFS allowed amount, the system will pay the lesser of the two. The value ‘MA’ must be entered in the Professional Service Code field (440-E5) unless no administration fee is billed. The claim will reject if it is submitted with an incorrect value in one of these fields. If a claim is submitted with an NDC for an influenza vaccine, but neither of these fields is populated, no administration fee will be paid.

For managed care organization (MCO) claims, please contact the applicable MCO for billing instructions.

Questions should be directed to a billing consultant in the Bureau of Professional and Ancillary Services at 877-782-5565.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2024-09-26T10:45:51-04:00September 26, 2024|Illinois|


2024-09-26T10:45:08-04:00September 26, 2024|Iowa|


The latest Board of Pharmacy newsletter announced revisions to four statewide protocols effective July 24, 2024. The updated protocols include Acute Influenza Infection Chemoprophylaxis treatment, and three related to self-care, including diabetes testing and injections, over-the-counter (OTC) dietary supplements and OTC probiotics.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2024-09-26T10:44:32-04:00September 26, 2024|Kentucky|

New York

The Office of Health Insurance Programs of the State Department of Health has approved the release of the August 2024 Medicaid Update. Included in this month’s update:

Also in New York, on September 23, 2024, the Medicaid Program made important changes to the coverage of blood glucose testing supplies, aligning with Medicare coverage criteria. This update is designed to promote effective testing habits to support individuals managing their diabetes. Changes to the supply limits for test strips and lancets and the implications for pharmacies and healthcare providers, are explained below:

Effective October 1, 2024, the Medicaid blood glucose testing supply coverage will align with Medicare policies. The new guidelines are as follows:

  • Members using insulin: Those who require insulin for blood glucose management will be eligible to receive up to 300 test strips and 300 lancets every three months.
  • Members not using insulin: For individuals managing their diabetes without insulin, the allowance will be up to 100 test strips and 100 lancets every three months.

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2024-09-26T10:43:55-04:00September 26, 2024|New York|

North Carolina

The Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is encouraging everyone 6-months and older to get their seasonal flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine. Both vaccines have been updated for the new flu and COVID-19 virus strains that will continue to spread this fall and winter.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2024-09-26T10:42:54-04:00September 26, 2024|North Carolina|

North Dakota

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Immunization Unit and key partners are conducting a Community Survey to inform development of a new Immunization Strategic Plan for the state. As a member of our community, your input and opinions about vaccines and vaccination uptake and access in North Dakota is highly valued. Your response to this survey will help state and local health groups work to ensure all North Dakotans can be healthier and happier by staying current with wellness immunizations. Please use the link or QR code below to complete the anonymous survey, which will take approximately 10–15 minutes. No personally identifying information will be collected.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2024-09-26T10:42:16-04:00September 26, 2024|North Dakota|


The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) posted the agenda and meeting materials for its October 2 meeting. Please note the “Medicare MFP modeling presentation and SB 192 upper payment limit discussion” by PDAB staff and Myers and Stauffer on the agenda. You must register in advance of the meeting to participate.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2024-09-26T10:41:42-04:00September 26, 2024|Oregon|


On September 25, the Board of Pharmacy held its regular meeting. Of interest, one posted agenda item was new officer elections.

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2024-09-26T10:41:03-04:00September 26, 2024|Vermont|


The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) is currently conducting a pharmacy cost of dispensing study. Surveys were delivered to pharmacies on September 12 and are due back to Myers & Stauffer on October 17. The statute requires that the Medicaid Fee-For-Service (FFS) Professional Dispensing Fee be determined by a study completed “at least every five years”. DMAS’ slide deck has more detail. The current FFS Professional Dispensing Fee is $10.65.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2024-09-26T10:40:37-04:00September 26, 2024|Virginia|
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