South Carolina

The Board of Pharmacy is having supply chain issues with the paper it uses for licenses. The paper currently being used does not provide the perforated wallet card. However, it does allow for the wallet card to be cut out and used for business purposes. The Pharmacy Board inspectors are aware of the change with the licensing paper. This will not affect pharmacists’ ability to practice.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-04-22T09:15:12-04:00April 22, 2022|South Carolina|


Gov. William Lee (R) signed SB 2446/HB 2131 into law on April 8, effective immediately, the legislation modernizes the definition of pharmacy technicians and now clearly allows a pharmacist to delegate tasks to a technician based on their education, training, and support, allowing all members of the pharmacy team to practice at the top of their education and training.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-04-22T09:09:31-04:00April 22, 2022|Tennessee|


Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) amended companion bills HB 1323 and SB 672 to add language in that was removed during the legislative process allowing pharmacists to test and treat for flu, strep and urinary tract infections (UTIs). Our original language that codifies pharmacies’ immunization and testing authority allowances under the PREP Act remains intact. The bill also allows pharmacists to initiate tobacco cessation therapy, including prescription drugs. These bills will now have to go before the Legislature on April 27 to approve or reject the governor’s recommendation on the amended language. NACDS applauds the Virginia Association of Chain Drug Stores (VACDS) and the Virginia Retail Federation (VRF) for all the groundwork on this bill and to members for your outreach to the Governor’s office.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2022-04-22T09:08:55-04:00April 22, 2022|Virginia|


Effective immediately, Dr. Jasmine Zapata is the new Wisconsin physician signing the Statewide Standing order for Naloxone. You must use Dr. Zapata’s prescriber number going forward as Dr. Jon Meiman’s prescriber number can no longer be used. In addition, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has updated its web pages. 

Under this new standing order, there are new resources available through the enhanced Dose of Reality Initiative. Patient education regarding overdose recognition and naloxone administration can be found on the following web pages: 

If you have questions, reach out to:

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2022-04-22T09:08:11-04:00April 22, 2022|Wisconsin|


Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) announced that the Secretary of Health Dr. Jose Romero is resigning on May 6th to take a job with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-04-08T12:19:58-04:00April 8, 2022|Arkansas|


On March 30, Gov. Doug Ducey (R) signed HB 2490 (Chapter 98), providing clarity for collaborative practice agreements including requirements, rules, and definitions.

Also in Arizona, on March 24, Gov. Doug Ducey (R) signed HB 2612 (Chapter 59), removing certain occupational licensing requirements and regulations that applicants/persons must be “of good moral character” to be approved for certain licenses and certifications including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

Finally, in Arizona, on March 25, Gov. Doug Ducey (R) signed SB 1639 (Chapter 78), that requires integrating a medical practitioner’s electronic medical records system with the state’s Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program (CSPMP) central database tracking system either directly or through the statewide health information exchange or a third-party vendor, by December 31, 2026.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-04-08T12:18:34-04:00April 8, 2022|Arizona|


As a reminder regarding the COVID-19 declaration of emergency, the Board of Pharmacy has a webpage dedicated to Pharmacy Law Waivers; interested parties may sign up to receive the Board’s alerts for the most up-to-date information. Also, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) has a webpage dedicated to DCA Waivers and Guidance Documents..

Also in California, as a reminder, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) eased DUR edits in Medi-Cal Rx until May 1. NACDS and the California Retailers Association have been in communication with the DHCS staff to request advance notice be provided to pharmacy providers of the Department’s plans for these DUR edits in advance of May 1.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-04-08T12:17:37-04:00April 8, 2022|California|


The Georgia Board of Pharmacy is excited to announce and introduce the first installment of a new “Newsletter.” The newsletter will be produced on a quarterly basis and is intended to provide insights and updates on the profession of pharmacy in Georgia. The newsletter will also be posted on the GBOP website for easy access as well. Since the newsletter is a new resource, the Board asks that you please distribute it to others in your organization or staff.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-04-08T12:16:40-04:00April 8, 2022|Georgia|


The Board of Pharmacy published the following Notices of Intended Action. Written comments may be submitted until 4:30 p.m. on April 26. A public hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on April 27 at the offices of the Board and via Zoom.

  • ARC 6279C– amending Chapter 3, “Pharmacy Technicians” and Chapter 6, “General Pharmacy Practice to permit remote processing
  • ARC 6280C – amending Chapter 12, “Precursor Substances” to add one chemical as a precursor substance in response to similar action taken by the DEA.
  • ARC 6182C – amending Chapter 8, “Universal Practice Standards,” and Chapter 19, “Nonresident Pharmacy Practice” to provide modification of the handling of ownership changes, add requirements for nonresident pharmacies and other changes.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-04-08T12:15:04-04:00April 8, 2022|Iowa|
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