
PBM reform bill, AB 440, was heard in the Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee on March 31. The Retail Association of Nevada offered several amendments defining specialty drugs, patient steering, patient choice, adequate networks, any willing provider, spread pricing, as well as prohibiting retroactive fees and setting a rate floor. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-03-31T09:40:08-04:00March 31, 2023|Nevada|

New York

Beginning April 1, the State Department of Public Health will be transitioning all Medicaid members to NYRx, the Medicaid Pharmacy Program.  The Department will be having a call center available for pharmacies and Medicaid recipients.  Please call 1-800-343-9000 if you experience any claims issues. The hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 10:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, with extended hours to 8:00 pm on April 1. The NYRx program will also be hosting calls for pharmacies regarding implementation on April 3 at 11:00 am.   

The next monthly stakeholder call for NYRx will be held April 18 at 1:00 pm. This call will be a webinar about the pharmacy benefit transition. Members, providers and all interested stakeholders are welcome to attend. Registration information will be posted one week prior. 

The State Assembly and Senate have both passed bill A1060A, an act relating to the self-dispensing of hormonal contraceptives. The legislation will authorize licensed pharmacists to provide contraceptives pursuant to a non-patient specific order from a physician or nurse practitioner. The legislation once signed by the Governor will take effect in 180 days.

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2023-03-31T09:39:33-04:00March 31, 2023|New York|

North Carolina

The Board of Pharmacy announced it is pursuing administrative rulemaking concerning “direct-to-patient delivery systems” for pharmacies allowing for technologies where drugs are dispensed directly to patients. The Board will host a public hearing on this issue on June 13, and written comments are due by June 16.  Below is more information on this proposed rule which the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association is in the process of analyzing.   




Reason for Proposed Action: 

The Board of Pharmacy proposes to adopt a rule permitting pharmacies to employ certain direct to patient systems, which are technologies that dispense drugs directly to patients. The proposed rule contains provisions to allow pharmacies to comply with the laws governing dispensing drugs, devices, or medical equipment while using these systems. The proposed rule further contains provisions that would ensure that the systems can be used safely and securely, that required records are maintained, that the home pharmacy can adequately supervise and service these systems, and that patients may use these systems while also receiving information, safeguards and counseling that they need to use their drugs, devices, and medical equipment safely. There is an accompanying proposed change to the Board of Pharmacy’s limited-service permit rules to provide for permitting of systems that a pharmacy may place in a location other than the home pharmacy’s facility. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2023-10-10T09:01:17-04:00March 31, 2023|North Carolina|


Beginning April 1, 2023, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) will begin disenrollment of certain individuals that have been continuously enrolled in SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid program) that no longer meet eligibility requirements. For more information, see Bulletin No. 2-2023.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-03-31T09:33:35-04:00March 31, 2023|Oklahoma|


The Board of Pharmacy posted the agenda and meeting materials for the next Board Meeting scheduled for April 12-14; see additional details below. Also, please note the following agenda item:  

  • Div 019/020- Pharmacist Prescriptive Authority – COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody, COVID-19 Antiviral, Continuation of Therapy including emergency refills of insulin, Contraception, PEP, PrEP, Travel Medications Protocols- #A2, A2a, A2b, A2c, A2d, A2e. See pp 47-103 (inclusive) of the PDF. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-03-31T09:33:03-04:00March 31, 2023|Oregon|

South Dakota

On March 23, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) signed HB 1135; PBM legislation includingrequirements for PBM licensure, prohibiting retroactive fees except in certain situations and the collection of renumeration fees, and adding criteria for drugs to be placed on the MAC list.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-03-31T09:32:13-04:00March 31, 2023|South Dakota|


Walgreens pharmacist Aimee Lusson testified at the House Public Health Committee on March 27 in support of HB 2088 by Rep. John H. Bucy III (D), on emergency insulin supply legislation. 

Also in Texas, Rep. Tom Oliverson’s HB 1543, legislation establishing a statewide standing order for prescribing an opioid antagonist, will be heard in the House Public Health Committee on April 3. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-03-31T09:31:23-04:00March 31, 2023|Texas|


Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) signed SB 1538 into law. This bill, sponsored by Senator Pillion (R), requires the Department of Medical Assistance Services to provide reimbursement when the services provided for by the state plan for medical assistance services are services by a pharmacist, pharmacy technician or pharmacy intern (i) performed under the terms of a collaborative agreement as defined in relevant law and consistent with the terms of a managed care contractor provider contract or the state plan or (ii) related to services and treatment in accordance with relevant law. NACDS supported the efforts of the Virginia Association of Chain Drug Stores and the Virginia Pharmacists Association as it moved through the process.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2023-03-31T09:28:26-04:00March 31, 2023|Virginia|

West Virginia

Gov. Jim Justice (R) signed the following priority bills into law on March 23: 

  • Committee Substitute SB 345, a bill that would provide legislative approval of the PBM rule pursuant to the passage of HB 4112 of 2022. Effective from passage – March 10, 2023. 
  • HB 2754 adopts the immunization authority from the federal PREP Act into state law. It allows both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to administer all vaccines to patients aged three years and older and removes the long-standing prescription requirement for children. Effective from passage – March 7, 2023. 

NACDS thanks our members, Bridget Lambert of the West Virginia Retailers Association, Conrad Lucas of Capitol Resources and the West Virginia Pharmacists Association for their daily engagement on getting HB 2754 across the finish line.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2023-03-31T09:27:41-04:00March 31, 2023|West Virginia|
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