
NACDS joined its members, in-state partners, and representatives from the state medical community to discuss pharmacist and technician scope with members from the Department of Health. Stakeholders also met on July 27 to discuss test and treat legislation for 2024.  

Also in Vermont, on July 26, the Board of Pharmacy held its regular meeting, during which it reviewed the emergency declarations and the Executive Order regarding pharmacies. Link to the agenda 

Finally in Vermont, the Executive Order allows a one-time 30-day maintenance prescription to be filled, as well as emergency licensing for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from out-of-state to fill any staffing gaps. This Executive Order lasts for 90 days or if there is a State of Emergency, whichever is shorter. There will be updates to come as things change. The next board meeting is August 23. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2023-08-18T11:59:43-04:00August 18, 2023|Vermont|


HB 112, signed by Gov. Mike Dunleavy (R), requires that Out-of-State Pharmacies be licensed rather than registered by June 30, 2024. 

  • If an Out-of-State Pharmacy is currently registered, it will not need to do anything until renewal time, which is scheduled for June 2024.  
  • If an Out-of-State Pharmacy is not currently registered, they will need to apply to be licensed rather than registered beginning November 27, 2023. 
  • All Internet-based/Online Pharmacies will fall under the same statutory and regulatory requirements as Out-of-State Pharmacies if they want to provide pharmacy services. 
  • Beginning November 27, 2023, all licensed Out-of-State Pharmacies must also have a Pharmacist-in-Charge that holds an active Alaska Pharmacist license. Out-of-State Pharmacies that are currently registered and will renew in June 2024 must have a Pharmacist-in-Charge that holds an active Alaska Pharmacist license at renewal time. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-07-21T10:58:45-04:00July 21, 2023|Alaska|


The Board of Pharmacy’s rules, permitting pharmacists to provide patients 18 years of age and older with self-administered hormonal contraceptives via a standing order, were approved and effective immediately. The Arizona Department of Health Services issued the statewide standing order.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-07-21T10:58:10-04:00July 21, 2023|Arizona|


The Joint Committee on Insurance and Commerce held a hearing at the Capitol on July 13. Included on the agenda was Interim Study Proposal (ISP-2023-068) by Sen. Clarke Tucker (D), draft legislation proposing to amend the Law Concerning Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Lists to Define a Similarly Situated Pharmacy, Clarify How a Pharmacy Benefits Manager Provided its Maximum Allowable Cost List and Establish a Private Right of Action.  

Also in Arkansas, the Insurance Department issued Bulletin 12-2023: “Application of Arkansas Prior Authorization Law to Non-Physician Healthcare Providers.” 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-07-21T10:57:40-04:00July 21, 2023|Arkansas|


Effective July 1, 2023, the Board of Pharmacy and all other Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) licensing boards and bureaus were required to grant temporary licensure to the spouse or domestic partner of an active-duty military member stationed in the state if the applicate is currently licensed and holds an active and unrestricted license in another state with the same scope of practice as the profession in California for which they would like to practice. This applicant population also receives expedited processing and initial application and license fee waivers. Applications for this temporary licensure are available through the board or bureau with jurisdiction over the type of license being sought. DCA posted the requirements and additional information. 

Also in California, as required in Business and Professions Code Section 4301.3, the Board of Pharmacy submitted its report to the Legislature. The report provides summary information of the efforts undertaken to evaluate whether moving to a standard of care enforcement model would be feasible and appropriate. The report offers recommendations, including most notably that the Board concludes that a hybrid enforcement model remains appropriate for the regulation of the practice of pharmacy for consumer protection. The report also provides next steps, including continuing to work with stakeholders to advance patient access to care that achieves health equity for California consumers without compromise to public safety. 

Also in California, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) posted the following weekly notices and alerts on the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal  

Finally in California, Medi-Cal posted the following: 


For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-07-21T10:56:23-04:00July 21, 2023|California|


Republican lawmakers asked Gov. Jared Polis (D) to convene a special session to address two issues: rising property taxes and bond eligibility for murder suspects.  

Also in Colorado, the Healthcare Policy and Financing (HCPF) is hosting its annual stakeholder online seminar on August 8 to review accomplishments and solicit input on priorities for the next fiscal year.  

Also in Colorado, the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) ended on May 11. Many of the temporary flexibilities were made permanent. For more information, go to Overview of COVID-19 Emergency Federal Flexibilities Colorado Medicaid, a webpage featuring a chart of what flexibilities were requested, what was used, what policy changes were made permanent and what will be changing at the conclusion of the PHE. 

Finally in Colorado, the Board of Pharmacy held a Permanent and Emergency Rulemaking Hearing on July 20 to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to provide testimony before the Board considers adopting the proposed revisions to Rule 5.00.00 on a permanent and emergency basis to implement HB23-1195, automated pharmacy dispensing systems. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-07-21T10:55:29-04:00July 21, 2023|Colorado|


Gov. Josh Green (D) signed SB 602 (Act 103), permitting pharmacists to order, perform and report the results of certain CLIA-waived testing including blood glucose, hemoglobin A1C, hepatitis C, HIV, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID or streptococcal pharyngitis.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-07-21T10:54:45-04:00July 21, 2023|Hawaii|


In 2022, the General Assembly passed Public Act (P.A.) 102-0700, which suspended the state’s 1 percent (1%) low rate of sales and use tax on retail sales of groceries from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The 1% grocery sales tax suspension ended on Friday, June 30. Retailers are now required to collect and remit the 1% sales tax on groceries. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2023-07-21T10:54:18-04:00July 21, 2023|Illinois|


The state’s Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) provided updates on prior authorization (PA) criteria and Preferred Drug List (PDL) as approved by the Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board at its June meeting. The provisions apply only to Medicaid fee-for-service.

Also in Indiana, a Medicaid state plan amendment (SPA) allowing pharmacists to be enrolled as providers was submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The SPA allows pharmacists to be enrolled as providers and includes provisions that would reimburse for all services pharmacists provide within their scope. Unfortunately, the state rulemaking process could take 18 months to two years to implement once approved by CMS. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-07-21T10:53:47-04:00July 21, 2023|Indiana|
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