
HB 471 by Rep. Barbara Freiberg (R) authorizing pharmacists to order and administer and pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians to administer immunizations to children aged seven years and older is scheduled for a hearing in the House Health and Welfare Committee on May 10. The Louisiana Alliance for Retail Pharmacies is urging chain pharmacies to take action to preserve patient access to children and families for lifesaving vaccines at pharmacies. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-05-05T10:07:18-04:00May 5, 2023|Louisiana|


Gov. Wes Moore signed the following bills into law: 

  • HB 693– Allows pharmacist to delegate administration of certain vaccines to pharmacy technicians: – to adults 18 years of age and older: COVID, flu, pneumonia; and RSV or shingles to patients 50 years of age and older; allows techs to perform remote data entry under supervision. Effective upon signing, April 4, 2023. 
  • SB 678 – Requires Medicaid, CHIP and commercial insurers to reimburse pharmacies for services within their scope of practice if the plan would otherwise cover. Effective October 1, 2023; signed May 5, 2023.  
  • HB 374– Pharmacy audits – clarifies that the state’s audit law applies to PBMs contracted with Managed Care Plans; adds new auditing thresholds and requirements that apply to all insurers and Managed Care; and requires PBMs to provide a secure electronic method of communication between the pharmacy and the PBM for sharing auditing information by October 2025. Provides that the Department of Insurance may promulgate rules. Effective January 1, 2024; signed May 5, 2023.  
  • HB 382 -Requires the State Department of Health and Prescription Drug Advisory Board to complete a study on MMC claims for calendar years 2021 and 2022 and on the costs of implementing a pharmacy reimbursement cost-based rate floor in MMC. The study is due to the General Assembly in October 2023. Effective upon signing, April 4, 2023. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2023-05-05T10:06:50-04:00May 5, 2023|Maryland|


In advance of the May 11 Public Health Emergency ending, the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy announced the following on May 4: 

  • In response to the continued public health need for vaccinations, the Board will not be enforcing the supervisory ratios set out in 247 CMR 8.06(3) at licensed pharmacies that are providing vaccination services provided that the following conditions are met: 
  • A maximum ratio of one pharmacist to six support staff is not exceeded; and 
  • at least three support staff are interns and / or certified, licensed pharmacy technicians. 
  • Due to continued staffing shortages, the Board does not intend to take enforcement action against pharmacies that perform and reconcile perpetual inventory counts at least every 15 days as long as back-counts are performed after each prescription is filled. 
  • Pharmacists, interns and pharmacy technicians may administer vaccines to individuals who are 5 years of age and older in accordance with Policy 2023-02: Vaccine Administration. 
  • COVID-19 Control Measures, including COVID-19 tests, may be dispensed or administered in accordance with Policy 2023-03: COVID-19 Control Measures. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2023-05-05T10:05:04-04:00May 5, 2023|Massachusetts|


The Department of Insurance has posted a draft rule pursuant to the PBM Licensure and Regulation Act. NACDS is currently reviewing the rule and intends to file comments by the June 9 deadline. If there are comments you’d like us to include in the letter, please send them to Jill McCormack by close of business on May 26,, 2023. 

Also in Michigan, the Board of Pharmacy will hold a public hearing on Pharmacy – General Rules NOH 6.2.2023.pdf on June 2, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.. Written comments can be submitted to BPL-BoardSupport@michigan.gov. The open comment period ends June 2 at 5:00 p.m. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2023-05-05T10:04:36-04:00May 5, 2023|Michigan|


The Conference Committee on SF 2995, the Health Budget Bill, has been appointed and is currently meeting to produce a final bill. The Conferees include Senators Boldon, Kupec, Wiklund, Abeler and Morrison; and Representatives Keeler, Liebling, Pinto, Schomacker and Bierman. Several key pharmacy provisions are in the mix including: 

  • Pharmacy benefit carve-in to Fee-for-Service 
  • Pharmacy Technician immunization authority 
  • Payment for pharmacy services 
  • Requirement for on-going Cost of Dispensing surveys 

NACDS has been working with the Minnesota Retailers Association, the Minnesota Pharmacy Association and members to help advance and support these provisions throughout the session. Once the conference committee report is finalized, the bill will go before the General Assembly for approval. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2023-05-05T10:03:20-04:00May 5, 2023|Minnesota|


On May 1, Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) signed SB 112 (Chapter Number: 322), legislation allowing pharmacists to prescribe certain medications with limitations. In the coming months, the Board of Pharmacy will promulgate rules.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2023-05-05T10:02:46-04:00May 5, 2023|Montana|


SB 57, legislation that includes PBMs in the definition of administrators and creating licensing requirements, passed the Senate on April 25 was heard in the Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee on May 3.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2023-05-05T10:02:12-04:00May 5, 2023|Nevada|

New York

On May 2, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed A 1060: pharmacists administered contraceptives into law. 

On the May 1 weekly NYRx Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit transition call, the State Department of Health reminded pharmacies that for the billing process for immunizations, there are different codes to use when billing for multiple vaccines and administration in the same day. Please see the following guidance. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2023-05-05T10:01:26-04:00May 5, 2023|New York|
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