As the Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s (DOM) transitions to a new Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), the Department has announced a series of workshop webinars will be available in August and September to train providers in how to use the new system, MESA: Medicaid Enterprise System Assistance. Details about those webinars and instructions on how to register for them can be found on Gainwell Technology’s new Learning Management System (LMS), which is now available online.  

Only current Medicaid-enrolled providers will be able to access the LMS and register for training (the webinars are not intended for CHIP-only providers). To verify your status as a Medicaid provider, you are asked to:  

  • Please only send us the current (Conduent/Envision) Medicaid Provider ID Number and email address for the individuals that would like to attend the training to the following: 
  • Please include “LMS Registration” in the email subject line. We will use this information to validate your participation in the Mississippi Medicaid program. 
  • Once validated we will then send LMS registration instructions which will include the link and registration key for accessing the LMS.  
  • The instructions will also include how to sign up for the upcoming workshop webinars in August and September.
  • Additionally, there will be Computer Based Trainings (CBTs) available beginning Aug. 1, 2022. We recommend you review these CBTs prior to the MESA go-live date of Oct. 3, 2022. 

Providers can also learn more about MESA and find the latest updates and FAQs on the system implementation on DOM’s website 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.