The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has decided to lengthen the transition time to the full implementation of Medi-Cal Rx by three months. All current Medi-Cal prescription drug services DHCS and Medi-Cal processes and protocols will remain unchanged and in place until Medi-Cal Rx launches on April 1, 2021. Questions should be referred to
Also in California. On November 19, the Board of Pharmacy held a virtual meeting to discuss seeking a waiver allowing technicians to administer all vaccines, rather than just influenza as was adopted by the Board in October. Unfortunately, the vote was 5-6, defeating the motion for full expansion. This issue of administering all vaccines will be returned to the Licensing Committee for further discussion at their next meeting. The Board then amended their original policy to include COVID vaccines to be administered by technicians when they become available and that motion passed with a vote of 8-3. As it stands right now, the California Board of Pharmacy policy supports both temporary waivers and permanent adoption of a statute change allowing pharmacy technicians to administer influenza and COVID vaccines.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.