The Alabama Medicaid Agency (Medicaid)has released several final rules, effective December 14, 2020, regarding Durable Medical Equipment/Prescription Orders, Preferred Drug List, Reimbursement for Covered Drugs and Services. Summaries for the rules are below with links to access each.
- Final rule to amend regulations under AAC 560-X-13 to allow additional non-physician practitioners to place an initial written prescription or order for certain medical supplies, equipment, and appliances.
- Final rule to amend regulations under AAC 560-X-16 to remove requirements that the clinical pharmacist committee consist of at least one long-term care pharmacist and one independent pharmacist. The rule also allows correspondence to be directed to Medicaid’s authorized representative.
- Final rule to amend regulations under AAC 560-X-16 to change the default pharmacy ingredient cost reimbursement methodology when no average acquisition cost is available from wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) +0% to WAC -4% for brand drugs and WAC +0% for generic drugs, effective Jan. 1, 2021.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.