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The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced that Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready would serve as chair of the NAIC Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee for the 2022 term.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-01-28T10:18:08-05:00January 28, 2022|Oklahoma|


The Board of Pharmacy posted the agenda and meeting materials for the February 9-11, Board Meeting. 

Also in Oregon, the Board of Pharmacy issued a notice requesting fiscal impact for Pharmacy Prescription Lockers (PPL) from stakeholders. Note: any information provided to the Board becomes a public record. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-01-28T10:17:23-05:00January 28, 2022|Oregon|


The state has reissued billing guidance for the Pharmacy Naloxone Copay Assistance Program, because of claims – otherwise eligible- but rejected due solely to coding errors. The claims are eligible for correction for payment. NACDS reminds members that naloxone claims from any patient, regardless of type of insurance coverage, are eligible for the copay to be reimbursed to the pharmacy. The program, which NACDS and PACDS helped the Governor’s Opioid Taskforce develop with member input, is funded through federal grants and meant to incentivize greater naloxone access to all Pennsylvanians. It is run on the PACE program system merely to streamline the adjudication process for pharmacies. 

Also in Pennsylvania, The Department of Human Services published a Bulletin for COVID Oral Antiviral Treatments billing procedures and codes for pharmacies. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2022-01-28T10:16:47-05:00January 28, 2022|Pennsylvania|


The Board of Pharmacy issued the following clarification regarding pharmacy technicians’ authority to administer vaccines:  

As part of his COVID Action Plan, Governor Glenn Youngkin signed Executive Order 11, to give flexibility and support to healthcare providers, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Paragraph 13 of Executive Order 11 increases the number of persons performing the duties of a pharmacy technician that a pharmacist may supervise to five (5) and exempts pharmacy technicians performing COVID-19 administrative tasks from being counted in the ratio. Please be advised that the administration of a CLIA-waived test or vaccine does not constitute an administrative task.  Additionally, the decision regarding the number of pharmacy technicians a pharmacist will supervise, and whether any other duty constitutes a COVID-19 administrative task, is a decision that must be made by the Pharmacist-in-Charge or pharmacist on duty, pursuant to 18VAC110-20-112(A) and 18VAC110-20-110(C).  The Executive Order shall remain in effect until February 21, 2022, unless sooner amended or rescinded by further executive order or directive.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2022-01-28T10:15:58-05:00January 28, 2022|Virginia|


Apple Health (Medicaid) covers overthecounter (OTC) COVID-19 tests with or without a prescription for clients. An adjudicated pharmacy claim is required for reimbursement. Pharmacies may not bill for test administration of an OTC COVID-19 test as these tests should be used by the patient in the home setting.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-01-28T10:15:26-05:00January 28, 2022|Washington|


On January 10, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) released his proposed 2022-23 State Budget. Both the Governor’s Budget Summary (See page 109+ for Health and Human Services) and Proposed Budget Detail have been posted. Of interest in the Health and Human Services section include: 

  • Savings related to Medi-Cal Rx Implementation ($327 Million)
  • Savings related to Pharmacy Recoupment (See bottom of page 10.) ($100 Million)  

Legislative hearings and negotiations will begin and February and continue through May. The Governor will release a revised budget in May. 

 Also in California, the Department of Health Care Services published the following alerts: 

Also in California, the Board of Pharmacy sent a notice about reissued pharmacy law waivers in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) declaration of emergency and the nation declaration of emergency. 

Also in California, the Board of Pharmacy issued a Notice of Meeting and Agenda for the Teleconference Medication Error Reduction and Workforce Committee Meeting on January 27. Meeting materials will be posted on the website in advance.  

Finally in California, the Board of Pharmacy published a Notice of Meeting and Agenda for the Teleconference Public Board Meeting scheduled to be held January 27-28. Meeting materials will be posted on the website in advance.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-01-20T16:01:31-05:00January 20, 2022|California|


Effective January 1, 2022, the UnitedHealthcare of Florida, Inc., and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company Dual-Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) changed their names to Care Improvement Plus South-Central Insurance Company d/b/a UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete. All member benefits, provider networks, and plan telephone numbers remain the same. United Healthcare continues to be responsible for the services provided to members of United Healthcare Dual Complete Plan including Medicare and Medicaid services. The website will remain www.UHCCommunityPlan.com  

Contact numbers: Member and Provider Services: 1-844-560-4944  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-01-20T15:59:56-05:00January 20, 2022|Florida|


Immunization Delivery Training for Pharmacy Technicians. A 6.0 hour CE program consisting of both home-study and live training. Under HHS authorization (PREP Act 10.20.20) trained pharmacy technicians can administer certain vaccines under the supervision and authorization of a pharmacist. GPhA is offering live training on 

 Saturday, February 19, 2022 
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Georgia Pharmacy Association Classroom  

GPhA’s Immunization Delivery Training program for Pharmacy Technicians is recognized as an education provider for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s (PTCB) Immunization Administration Assessment-Based Certificate. CLICK HERE for more information and to register! 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-01-20T15:48:03-05:00January 20, 2022|Georgia|
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