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The Georgia Department of Public Health is asking for our assistance in gathering prescription data (de-identified) for the most prescribed hepatitis C antivirals. A work group at the Department is trying to determine which physicians in Georgia routinely diagnose and treat hepatitis C. As an example, the Department would be interested in data that might show hypothetically that “Dr. Brown in Albany, Georgia prescribed Harvoni to 500 patients in Georgia in 2021.” Ideally, the Department would like the data for Mavyret, Harvoni and Epclusa for 1-2 years. Please submit all data and any questions to Raybun Spelts, Clinical Pharmacist Specialist, Infectious Disease and Vaccines at the Department. His contact information is: raybun.spelts@dph.ga.gov (404)683-4949.  

Of note, the Georgia Department of Public Health has personally reached out to thank chain drug pharmacy for being willing to try to assist the Department in this health initiative.  

Also, the Georgia Pharmacy Association is looking for the team that will shape the future of pharmacy in Georgia and is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 GPhA (Georgia Pharmacy Association) Board of Directors. Serving on the board is the opportunity to level the playing field and make a lasting contribution to the industry. There are two open positions: One board member at large and One Academy of Independent Pharmacy (AIP) member. If you have questions before you apply, contact Lia Andros, Governance Manager, at landros@gpha.org. The deadline for application is 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday, March 5, 2022. Click here for more information and to submit a nomination.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-04T09:48:03-05:00March 4, 2022|Georgia|


Companion bills, SF 3154, and HF 3854, allowing pharmacists to initiate treatment for PeP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) and PReP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), have been introduced by Sen. Scott Dibble (DFL) and Rep. Athena Hollins (DFL). The language has been updated from last session, reflecting the work of a broad coalition of supporters formed by the joint efforts of NACDS, the Minnesota Retailers Association, the Minnesota Pharmacists Association, patient advocates and the bill sponsors. The bills have been referred to the appropriate committee for further consideration.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2022-03-04T09:47:13-05:00March 4, 2022|Minnesota|


The Mississippi Pharmacy Association has an opening on the Executive Committee, a member-at-Large Representative, for which all current MPhA Members may apply. This position is a two-year term and qualifies one to run for Vice President in the next two years if desired. A position on the executive committee is one that helps to guide the business of our organization. Since moving to a part-time Executive Director two years ago, this position also has several responsibilities that will require you to assist with various tasks of running the organization. Please reach out to any of our current Executive Committee members, www.mspharm.org/board or our staff if you have any questions. The deadline for application is March 15, 2022. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-04T09:46:08-05:00March 4, 2022|Mississippi|

New Jersey

The New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners has proposed to amend regulations under NJAC 13:35-7 to require practitioners to identify in advance psychological co-morbidities that affect prescribing and overall treatment decisions and assess whether continued opioid therapy is working to address a patient’s treatment needs. The rule also would address treatment planning, medical records, and management of chronic pain.

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2022-03-04T09:44:43-05:00March 4, 2022|New Jersey|

North Carolina

NC Medicaid is receiving reports of pharmacists not utilizing the 72-hour Emergency Supply Override and the 01-No Other Coverage Identified code when applicable. Resistance to use these overrides is preventing Medicaid beneficiaries from being able to access necessary medications. As NC Medicaid providers, pharmacists are asked to please become familiar with these options and utilize them appropriately when administering the Medicaid benefit.  

Pharmacists are asked to utilize the 72-Hour Emergency Supply Override when clinically appropriate for Medications pending Prior Authorization. For Medicaid members, including Medicaid Managed Care, Pharmacy providers are encouraged to use the 72-hour emergency supply allowed for drugs requiring prior approval. Federal law requires that this emergency supply be available to Medicaid beneficiaries for drugs requiring prior approval (Social Security Act, Section 1927, 42 U.S.C. 1396r-8(d)(5)(B)). Use of this emergency supply ensures access to medically necessary medications. With use of the override, the system will bypass the prior approval requirement, if an emergency supply is indicated. The pharmacist should use a “3” in the Level of Service field (418-DI) to indicate the transaction is an emergency fill. *  Copayments apply to emergency fills and drug cost is reimbursed; however, a dispensing fee is not paid. There is no limit to the number of times the emergency supply can be used. *Codes may vary by managed care plan. This is the specific code for Medicaid Direct.  

Pharmacists are asked to utilize the “01-No Other Coverage Identified” when a Medicaid claim rejects due to another payor on record. Medicaid is the payer of last resort, which means after any other insurance pays, Medicaid will pay. The other third-party payer must be billed as the primary payor when third party insurance exists, and then Medicaid can be billed as the secondary payor. When a claim is denied due to another payor on record being expired or terminated, the point-of-sale system will deny the claim, and the pharmacist will be prompted to submit the claim to another payer. In the event a beneficiary cannot produce another insurance or the beneficiary states they no longer have the other insurance, the pharmacy shall use the override code “01 – No Other Coverage Identified” in the Other Coverage Code claim segment 308-C8 for NCPDP D.0 transaction. * NC Medicaid will pay the pharmacy and seek payment from the third party, if appropriate. The pharmacy is not held liable for any payments made in these cases. *Codes may vary by managed care plan. This is the specific code for Medicaid Direct. 

Thank you for your time and attention to this valuable information regarding the NC Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit. If you have any questions or concerns with the utilization of these override codes, please contact Angela Smith, Director NC Medicaid Pharmacy Benefit, or the Managed Care Plans directly.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-04T09:44:04-05:00March 4, 2022|North Carolina|


The Department of Medicaid (ODM) announced the timeline for upcoming “catch up” payments of the managed care “supplemental” dispensing fee to pharmacies along with a revised FAQ with further detail on the amount of the payments and formula for determining which payment tier your company will receive. Members will recall that these payments, which pharmacies have been receiving over the last few years, were delayed in the first quarter of 2022 while awaiting CMS approval. 

Also In Ohio, on March 11 ODM is hosting an online seminar for pharmacies to give further details about the upcoming contracting process with their new SPBM (Single Pharmacy Benefit Manager), Gainwell Technology. Click here to register. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2022-03-04T09:43:03-05:00March 4, 2022|Ohio|

South Carolina

Governor Henry McMaster issued Executive Order 2022-10 to suspend certain commercial vehicle regulations and provide transportation waivers to address the continued supply chain disruptions. The Governor’s executive order waives or suspends enforcement of certain state and federal regulations pertaining to registration, permitting and size. The read the full Executive Order click here 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-04T09:41:39-05:00March 4, 2022|South Carolina|


Please see the updates to PDL, Clinical Criteria, and Interim Criteria below and the attached documents for March 2022. These changes went into effect on March 1st 

  • Added to preferred: dimethyl fumarate, Dexilant, SPS, 
  • Added to non-preferred: Tecfidera, Tecfidera starter pack, dexlansoprazole, Dhivy, ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone, Epclusa pellet, Mavyret pellet
  • Added to interim: Rezurock, Vuity, Voxzogo,  
  • BaG additions: Dexilant 
  • BaG removals: Tecfidera, Tecfidera starter pack 
  • Hepatic C Direct Acting Antivirals prior authorization criteria and PA forms: removal of restrictions surrounding prior history of substance or alcohol abuse, where applicable, removed questions related to pregnancy, concomitant ribavirin use, and renal function dosage adjustments.  

Additionally, these documents can be found on the TennCare website: www.optumrx.com/tenncare  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-04T09:40:52-05:00March 4, 2022|Tennessee|
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