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Prior to adjourning the fiscal session sine die on March 15th, the House of Representatives selected Rep. Matthew Shepherd (R) to serve a third term as Speaker of the House when the 94th General Assembly convenes in January 2023. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-03-18T10:48:34-04:00March 18, 2022|Arkansas|


The Department of Health Care Services posted the following alerts to the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal: 

Also in California, the Board of Pharmacy amended the expiration date of the following waiver: Mass Vaccination Sites – AMENDED AND REISSUED; the expiration date is June 30, 2022, or until 90 days following the declared disaster, whichever is sooner. All Pharmacy Law waivers are posted under the COVID-19 Updates and Resources. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-03-18T10:47:58-04:00March 18, 2022|California|


The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) is hosting a virtual Health Cabinet Policy Summit on March 24 and 31. Topics include affordability, behavioral health transformation, pandemic to endemic & future readiness, and keeping Coloradans covered after the Public Health Emergency. HCPF is expanding their value-based payment models that reward providers for better patient outcomes and closes health disparities while driving affordability. Register in advance.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-03-18T10:47:16-04:00March 18, 2022|Colorado|


The Delaware Controlled Substance Advisory Committee amended the Uniform Controlled Substances Act regulations to make the provisions on expiration and partial filling of controlled substance prescriptions consistent with federal standards. The changes are effect March 11, 2022

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.

2022-03-18T10:46:34-04:00March 18, 2022|Delaware|


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services has posted the Uniform Prior Authorization Workgroup Agenda for 03/18/2022 at the following link.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2022-03-18T10:45:53-04:00March 18, 2022|Illinois|


HEA 1169, legislation allowing pharmacy technicians to immunize all vaccines delegated by a pharmacist and to do verbal transfers was signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcolm (R) on March 15, 2020. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-03-18T10:45:13-04:00March 18, 2022|Indiana|


The Board of Pharmacy issued its March 2022 newsletter that includes the following articles: 

  • “Non-electronic Prescriptions – Reminder of Requirements” 
  • “FDA Warning on Dissolvable Buprenorphine and Dental Problems” 
  • “Get to Know Your Pharmacy Board Members – Gayle Mayer” 
  • “Shipping Compounded Prescriptions Outside the State of Iowa? – Reports Due by April 1, 2022” 
  • “Statewide Protocols” 
  • “Technician Trainee Renewal/Reactivation Update” 
  • “Interim Pharmacist-in-Charge – New Option for Pharmacies” 
  • “Pharmacists Required to Report Serious Adverse Events to FAERS Following Medication Administration” 
  • “Board Requests Code Change in 2022 Legislative Session” 

Also in Iowa, the Board of Pharmacy posted is January 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes. Interesting stats related to the Pharmacist Narcan® Dispensing Program, Pharmacist Disposal Kit Dispensing Program and Board -Sponsored Medication Disposal are reported on Page 6. “Rules and Legislation” section appears on pages 7-8. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2022-03-18T10:44:00-04:00March 18, 2022|Iowa|


Two Senate bills advancing of interest to pharmacies were amended and are now pending action by the full House. SB 200 allows pharmacists to test and initiate therapy for strep, flu, and urinary tract infections under protocols developed and approved by the Collaborative Drug Therapy Management Advisory Committee. SB 28 requires PBMs (Pharmacy Benefits Managers) to be licensed and regulated by the Insurance Department. It also addresses MAC (Maximum Allowable Cost) pricing and delineates what items a PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Manager) can request during a MAC appeal. If these bills pass the House, they will be returned to the Senate for ultimate action to concur with the House changes. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-03-18T10:42:29-04:00March 18, 2022|Kansas|


Legislation that makes permanent provisions granted under the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act filed by Rep. Chris Turner (R) will be heard in the House Health and Welfare Committee on Wednesday morning, March 23 at 9:30 AM. HB 474 will allow the pharmacist, pharmacy intern and pharmacy technician, without a patient specific prescription or medical order, to administer all vaccines to anyone three years old and older.  

Also in Louisiana, Gov John Bel Edwards (D) announced that he would NOT renew the COVID-19 public health emergency order that expired on March 16th. The Board of Pharmacy (Board) issued a  guidance document listing all the current interim policies and their expiration dates. 

At their May 11th meeting, the Board will consider whether to terminate or further extend any interim policies. Three of the policies (identified in guidance document) were based on the federal declaration of emergency as opposed to the state declaration of emergency. Since the federal declaration of emergency is still in effect, the expiration dates for those three interim policies were extended for the duration of the federal public health emergency.

Of particular importance to many pharmacies and pharmacists is the authority provided by the federal PREP Act Declaration and its subsequent amendments for pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests and therapeutics. For as long as the federal public health emergency and PREP Act Declaration are in place and not modified, that authority remains in effect. 

Finally in Louisiana, all providers who file claims with the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH), including pharmacy providers and immunizing pharmacists, are reminded that they must enroll in the new Medicaid Provider Enrollment Portal to continue being reimbursed. All existing providers must log in and submit an enrollment through the portal. LDH had requested a deadline extension from March 31st to June 30, 2022, but it is still pending approval from CMS, so providers are encouraged to act now to complete enrollments so that their claims will not be denied.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2022-03-18T10:41:38-04:00March 18, 2022|Louisiana|
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