The Mississippi Board of Pharmacy amended regulations under Title 30, Part 3001, Article XXXI, to clarify that a compounding certificate becomes inactive if a pharmacy fails to compound any prescription during a calendar year. The rule is effective Aug. 7, 2021.
Also in Mississippi, the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy amended regulations under Title 30, Part 3001, Article XXXI, to clarify requirements for initiation and/or modification of drug therapy under a protocol agreement. The rule is effective Aug. 7, 2021.
Finally, the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy adopted regulations under Title 30, Part 3002, Chapter 8, to establish requirements and procedures for background checks for applicants for a board license, registration, or permit. The final rule addresses petitions for determination, determination factors and disqualifying crimes, and the disqualifying determination notification. The rule is effective Aug. 8, 2021.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.